There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 1008 Didn’t see the good show

As soon as they walked away, another woman came out of the alley, pointed in the direction they left and said to the man wearing a peaked cap.

"Oh, I see."

The man narrowed his eyes at the person in front of him and nodded in agreement.

"Here are the thirty yuan and food stamps for you. Be careful not to be discovered."

The woman's expression changed from gloomy to gentle. She took out a flower handkerchief from her pocket and handed it to the man. Her voice also became gentle.

When Gu Changfeng and Zheng Xinyue returned to Red Flag Team 5, the sun had already set. Smoke was rising from the chimney of Zheng's house, and the people on the threshing floor had dispersed. Even the children did not run away outside during dinner time and went home to wait for dinner. .

"Changfeng, third brother said I would catch fish for you. What flavor do you want? Grilled fish or braised fish? I can also steam it!"

Zheng Xinyue jumped off the bicycle, stretched her legs and feet, and asked Gu Changfeng with a smile. She was inviting him to stay for dinner and let him order food by the way!

“It doesn’t matter, as long as you do it.

Gu Changfeng replied with a smile, this was not perfunctory. After eating the dishes Xinyue cooked for him, no matter how big a restaurant he went to, he felt that they were not as delicious as her cooking.

He likes to eat whatever she cooks, whether steamed or fried.

"Changfeng, Xinyue."

Grandma walked out of the courtyard with the help of Gao Guilan on crutches. When she saw Zheng Xinyue and Gu Changfeng, the wrinkles on their faces squeezed together, and she smiled happily.

"Grandma, are you ready to leave?"

Gu Changfeng looked at the old lady in surprise. He saw how serious the old lady's illness was. It was a miracle that she could even speak. How could she leave after not seeing her for several days?

"Yes! Guilan and Dakui are filial, and the children are kind to me. They are in a good mood and the disease is cured."

Lao Mrs. Gao attributed her recovery from illness to her family being kind to her. In fact, she wanted to say that it was because of the good Feng Shui here, but she didn't dare to say this for fear of being picked on.

"Mom, we should respect you."

A woman as fierce as Gao Guilan is like a little sheep in front of her old mother. She speaks softly and smiles all over her face.

Zheng Xinyue smiled brightly. It was all her own credit that her grandma could stand up! While she was talking, she went over to help her mother support her grandma. She pointed at the oil paper bag in Gu Changfeng's hand and said with a smile:

"Grandma, Changfeng bought you osmanthus cake!"

"Stop spending money randomly, keep it for living with Xinyue!"

Old Mrs. Gao likes people who take advantage so much, and she can say this, which shows that she, like Gao Guilan, is partial to Xinyue in her heart and hopes that she can live a good life.

"Changfeng, I went to the river to catch a net of fish today, and I will bring some back to grandpa in the evening."

Zheng Chengbao came out of the courtyard, patted Gu Changfeng's shoulder with his big hand, and gave him a gift generously.

"They all came inside and said, it's cold outside."

Gao Guilan was afraid that her daughter would be cold, so she shouted to let her in.

Zheng Xinyue was busy cooking as soon as she entered the door. The third brother's harvest was not small, it was enough for two buckets of water!

The second sister-in-law had already packed up the fish, and when Zheng Xinyue came back, she hurriedly abdicated and gave way to the next one.

In the house, Gu Changfeng put the wine he bought for his father-in-law on the table and handed the sweet-scented osmanthus cake to his mother-in-law. He regretted not opening a pack on the way so that Xinyue could eat enough.

Ever since he learned in the morning that Xinyue had traveled from a later life more than sixty years ago, he had always been afraid that she would not be able to adapt to the current hard life.

Because on the way he calmly asked her about that era.

I learned that in those days, rice, white flour, meat, and eggs were all eaten casually, and whole grains and wild vegetables were the favorites of the rich.

He was shocked in his heart. From such a wealthy life to a life without enough food and clothing, Xinyue could still treat her optimistically. This made him pity her more and more, and he wished he could give her the best of everything.

"Xinyue, it's a pity that you were not at home today. You didn't get to see the good show."

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