There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 1009: Deal with foreign enemies first

In the kitchen, Li Xiuli was busy telling Zheng Xinyue what happened during the day. Zheng Xinyue put water in the pot just enough to cover the fish, and poured the cut potatoes into it. Then she looked back at the second sister-in-law and waited for her to continue:

"What's the matter?"

"Isn't Zheng Cuixiang getting married today? Didn't you see the face of her husband's family? They didn't let her mother-in-law's family send her off, saying that marrying Zheng Cuixiang was not marrying a rural person. She looked down upon her and said she wanted to marry or not.

There was more gloating in Li Xiuli's voice. Although she never said it, she hated Zheng Cuixiang in her heart.

Couldn't my cousin lose her child if it wasn't because she was instigating her behind her back? It wasn't her who was causing trouble behind his back, and my cousin wouldn't have made such a fuss that there was no room for change.

Seeing Zheng Cuixiang's misfortune, she laughed unkindly all day long.

"Is it over?"

Zheng Xinyue asked lightly, not feeling strange at all. Li Xiuli was stunned for a moment, feeling that Xinyue already knew.

"Zheng Cuixiang made a fuss about not getting married. She said a lot of unpleasant things to her partner. Zheng Cuixiang hit him in a hurry. As a result, her man didn't get used to it. He slapped her twice in front of her family and the villagers. When Nai and Zheng Dashan saw Zheng Cuixiang being beaten, they started fighting with her husband's family. At the critical moment, it was our father who took action and led his eldest brother and Cheng Hu to beat the shit out of her husband's family."

Li Xiuli became more and more excited as she talked, but Zheng Xinyue didn't care about this. She only cared about whether Zheng Cuixiang got married. It would be terrible to get married in this way. She didn't want to see Zheng Cuixiang again?

Zheng Xinyue frowned and interrupted the second sister-in-law:

"The marriage was ruined?"

"No, our dad said that there are two options for Zheng Cuixiang's man. One is to break his bad marriage and bring him down, and the other is to get married honestly and treat Zheng Cuixiang well, or else break his legs."

Zheng Xinyue said nothing. It was not surprising that her father would stand up for the master's family. Even though his family was not honest with Xinyue, as the captain of the brigade, with his domineering and protective character, how could he tolerate people from other villages running wild?

"In the end, Zheng Cuixiang got married. My father took many strong young men from the village to get married. When he came to Han's house, he told Han Wen the same old story. He forced Han Wen to force him. Mom was so scared that she didn't even dare to fart."

Seeing that her sister-in-law didn't speak, Li Xiuli's high-spirited emotions seemed to be suddenly doused by cold water. Her voice dropped an octave when she spoke, and she panicked because she couldn't finish her words.

While the second sister-in-law was talking, Zheng Xinyue had already put the big pancake on the edge of the pot, and made another egg with chili pepper. After covering the pot, she saw the second sister-in-law looking a little embarrassed, so she smiled and asked:

"Mom must be very angry, right?"

"Yes, but Mom also said that you should beat them up, but you shouldn't stand up for Zheng Cuixiang."

Seeing that her sister-in-law was finally interested, Li Xiuli became enthusiastic about gossip again.

Zheng Xinyue smiled. What her mother said was contradictory. If she didn't help Zheng Cuixiang, why would she beat Han Wenqiang and the others? But this is in line with her character, just like the last time Han Wen forced his mother to plow the ground, she would deal with the external enemies first and leave the internal conflicts later.

Half an hour later, Zheng Xinyue came into the house with a large plate of fish stewed in soy sauce. When she entered the door, she heard her father's voice:

"Tomorrow is an auspicious day for installing beams. It just so happens that you three brothers are on holiday. After the beams are installed, reeds will be laid directly on top. If there are more people, it can be completed in about one day."

Zheng Xinyue put the fish on the dining table, looked at her father with a smile and asked, she wanted to see the excitement. In the countryside, apart from celebrating the New Year, weddings and funerals, they also build houses.

"Dad, are you going to build the house tomorrow? Do we have to treat our family?"

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