There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 1010 Help mom carry out her greed to the end

"The master who puts up the beam has to arrange a meal, and the people from the village who come to help can't let people have an empty stomach. They prepare two tables."

Zheng Dakui pondered for a moment and counted the number of people before speaking to his daughter.

Gao Guilan gnashed her teeth in distress. If you were to treat a guest to a meal, you would have to feed them. How much food would this cost? I can’t eat potatoes and cabbage yet, I always have to have some kind of meat dish, which makes me feel even more distressed when I think about it.

There are only four strong laborers in the family, and the second child has learned to be a carpenter. Why do you need to ask for help to install beams?

Gao Guilan looked at her husband and muttered dissatisfiedly, "Where are the two tables? Why are there so many people?"

"Tonight I'll go to the river and make a trap, and then I'll go down the mountain and make a trap."

Others were sitting on the kang, but Zheng Chengbao was dishonest. He squatted on the kang with his trouser legs rolled up, and he immediately spoke after hearing what his mother said.

This house was built for him, so he can't let his parents treat him, right?

There was a net of fish today, but in the evening he wanted to send some to Xiao Jia's family first, and then get some to Grandpa Changfeng, but there wasn't much left!

Therefore, he had to go down rivers and traps at night, and go into mountains and traps. These were just for fun to him.

"Uncle, I'll go back to the work unit tomorrow morning to take care of some things, and I'll be here in the afternoon."

It was a big event for his brother-in-law to go to prison. Gu Changfeng had to come because of his duty. The house was built, and the next step was to make furniture. He said he would come in the afternoon because he had a surprise for Zheng Chengbao.

"Okay, let your grandpa come over for dinner at noon. The old man who built the house will help a lot!"

Zheng Dakui agreed with a smile. He had not seen the old man for many days and was still thinking strangely.

The next morning, as soon as the rooster crows, the Zheng family all get up. Gao Guilan immediately runs out to look at the sky. Going up to the beam is auspicious, and cloudy days are not good.

The morning sun had just emerged from behind the clouds and cast golden light, and it looked like a clear sky.


Gao Guilan had a smile on her face, clasped her hands together and bowed in a circle, and began to mutter:

"Ancestor! Master Huang! Why don't you show some respect for the three boys who are going to the beam today? I'm not greedy either. Four old hens, a basket of eggs and fifty pounds of corn noodles will be enough. You also know that we are going to treat you today, and there are not many things. It’s not enough to eat, and my man is a good-looking man, so we can’t lower the price for him, right?”

When Zheng Xinyue came out of the house, she saw her mother chattering at the door. She quietly walked over and heard her mother's words. She immediately laughed and went over to tease her greedy mother.

"Mom, isn't this called greedy? You don't even get a dime to treat us, but you still have to make some money?"

"Ouch, you scared me."

Gao Guilan was concentrating on asking her ancestors and Master Huang for something! She didn't dare to let outsiders know about these two things. The sudden appearance of her daughter frightened her so much that she covered her heart with her hands and turned around. She was relieved when she saw that it was Xinyue.


Zheng Xinyue stuck out her tongue playfully. She decided to help her mother carry out her greed to the end. She squeezed her shoulders and massaged her mother's shoulders with her hands, and coaxed her:

"Mom, I admire you so much! Your words are like blessings. When have you ever asked for something but failed to get it?"

"That's right, both my ancestors and Master Huang are proud of me!"

Gao Guilan was so proud of being fooled by her daughter. Thinking about it carefully, it was exactly what her daughter said. Whenever she finished reciting it, she would definitely be surprised when she went to the warehouse after an hour or two.

"Mom, it's a great harvest."

The two of them were joking! Zheng Laosan was covered in morning dew, carrying two buckets in his hands, and two fat hares that were still struggling with straw ropes tied to his shoulders. He happily entered the hospital from outside the door.

"Sister-in-law, is your house going to be decorated today? It's a happy event, why don't you arrange two tables?"

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