There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 1011 This strength is first-rate

Wang Laowen poked his head out from the next door, stretched his neck and looked greedily at the fish and rabbits brought back by Zheng Chengbao. He couldn't help but salivate. He hadn't eaten meat in a year, and he smelled the meat coming from the Zheng family to his house. fragrant.

Today, I have to follow along with whatever I say and join in the fun. I don’t believe that the captain has the nerve not to arrange a meal.

"Arrangements! Everyone who comes to help with the beam is responsible for the food. Don't you see that this is both a fish and a hare? It's good to eat and drink, but it's also responsible for the food."

Gao Guilan gave Wang Laowen a sideways glance, tucked her hair behind her ears, and said generously.

"That's it. I don't want any work points today, so I'm here to help put the beam on."

Wang Laolian's eyes suddenly shone with excitement. He took the initiative to invite him even though he was not invited.

This is what he thinks. I come to your house to help my neighbors because I look down on you. No one will push people out at this time. He doesn't know how to do the job. When the time comes, he will just hide in the big gang. Move forward while eating.

He is so self-righteous here! Over there, Gao Guilan almost doused him to death with a ladle of cold water.

"Hey, this won't work. The person who goes up to the beam is lucky, so you have to find someone with both children."

Wang Laolian's face turned as black as the bottom of a pot. He looked at Gao Guilan angrily, thinking that she was inserting a knife into his ribs on purpose!

"Just say no, why do you say it so harshly?"

He was unhappy but did not dare to question loudly. He only dared to whisper in a low voice.

"Wang Laowei, what do you think you will do? Apart from holding a head on two shoulders and waiting for dinner, will you climb the beam or the roof? Your own barn is about to collapse, but it was my Dakui who helped you raise it. Woolen cloth!"

Wang Laowei was humiliated by the reprimand and went back to the house.

Gao Guilan doesn't care whether Wang Laolian has any face or not! She has nothing nice to say about people who are obviously just messing around eating and drinking.

"Mom, come in the house! I have a lot of work today!"

Zheng Xinyue was afraid that her mother would quarrel with someone today, and fighting during the beam was considered unlucky, so she put her hands on her shoulders and coaxed her back into the house.

"Xinyue, go get the scissors for Third Brother."

Zheng Chengbao grinned from the corners of his mouth to his ears, picking at the fish in the bucket. Cleaning up the fish was a dirty job that he couldn't bear to let his sister do.

Zheng Xinyue obediently returned to the house and brought not only scissors but also two large pots of packed fish.

"Xinyue, Third Brother told you that you are so lucky today. Did you see that big catfish? This head must weigh at least five kilograms. I will take it back to Grandpa Changfeng later. The old man loves this one!"

Zheng Chengbao took out a big catfish that was still struggling in the bucket and showed it to his sister like a treasure.

"Uncle San is awesome."

Tie Shui looked admiring Liu Xiu Zheng Chengbao.

The five children in the family like small animals, and the fish and the rabbit attracted them so much that they couldn't walk, so they were squatting by the bucket to watch!

"You guys want to eat for nothing! The older girl and the second girl are sweeping the yard with brooms, and you three boys are going to the garden to gather cabbage. You are all lazy and can't move without being told."

Gao Guilan came out of the house and screamed, which scared the five children so much that they all jumped up and went to work according to grandma's orders.

"Mom, your strength is top-notch."

Zheng Xinyue gave a thumbs up to her mother, how could she look so majestic and majestic like a general on the battlefield!

"Xinyue, your grandma is up. Go and talk to her. You don't have to worry about the housework."

Gao Guilan looked proud after being praised by her daughter. She put away her stern expression and smiled kindly at her daughter.

"Okay, let me first take a look at the warehouse."

Zheng Xinyue agreed with a smile and winked at her mother mischievously, which only the two of them understood.

"Sister-in-law, we are here to help!"

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