There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 1012 How come the full martial arts show is performed?

Zheng Changshui and Chen Shuli walked in with playful smiles from outside the door. They knew yesterday that the Zheng family was in trouble today, so they came here early in the morning to hang out at Zheng Dakui's house with breakfast.

"Thank you, no need."

Gao Guilan's face sank and she refused directly. How did he know that his family was going to invite him to dinner and the flies came buzzing?

What can these two people do? It's just a bastard.

"Sister-in-law, we are a family. It's better than an outsider to look after something for you, isn't it?"

Zheng Changshui automatically ignored Gao Guilan's cold face and continued to walk into the room with a smile on his face.

"Why are you joining in the fun? You are going to be lucky today. You don't know if your family has a sick child!"

Seeing that these two people were reluctant to leave, Gao Guilan picked up the big broom and was ready to drive them away, so her words were naturally rude.

"Tsk, aren't you stabbing my heart? Changshui and I have good intentions."

Chen Shuli hid behind her husband, watching the broom warily, ready to escape at any time.

"You have good intentions, but you are so cruel! Why is my eldest grandson missing? Who is saying bad things about Xinyue behind his back? Get out of here!"

"Brother, brother, please take care of my sister-in-law. We are here to help sincerely."

Gao Guilan slapped the two bitches with a big broom unceremoniously. They were beaten so hard that they were in a state of panic, but they still couldn't bear to leave and shouted loudly into the room.

"Okay, stop fighting, you two go back! Today is not the right day for you to come."

Zheng Dakui couldn't listen in the room, so he came out and chased people away with a sullen face.

Seeing that Zheng Dakui had already spoken, she was destined to miss the meal today. Chen Shuli saw two buckets of fish at a glance. She rolled her eyes and licked her face as if Zheng Dakui was begging for them.

"Brother, then bring me two fish! We will also be happy."


As soon as she finished speaking, Gao Guilan hit her with a broom. Chen Shuli couldn't dodge and was hit on the waist. She jumped up with a cry of pain.

"Give them two."

Zheng Dakui's face turned even darker. These two people were so sticky that they couldn't shake off the slugs. They just gave them two and sent them away.

"It's better to be a big brother."

Zheng Changshui didn't care that his wife was screaming after being beaten, and he was praising Zheng Dakui, but his eyes were fixed on the big catfish held in Zheng Chengbao's hand.

Take such a big catfish and stew it with some potatoes and some wine to make it more fragrant.

After Zheng Changshui determined the target, he pointed at the catfish and asked Zheng Dakui for it.

"Brother, I haven't eaten catfish in several years, can you give it to me?"

"Your nose is soaked with snot! This fish is for Grandpa Changfeng."

Zheng Laosan stared at him and said he was not polite to his uncle. Two buckets of fish were worth more than this catfish! It's strange that he would want it.

"Get out now, I won't give you even one."

Gao Guilan pointed his broomstick at Zheng Changshui, then opened his mouth and cursed.

Originally, Tujili didn't want to scold or hit anyone today, but she couldn't help but shamelessly rushed forward, and had to go even further. She couldn't help her temper!

"Take these, and don't make any trouble."

Zheng Dakui bent down and picked up a few palm-sized crucian carp in the bucket, put them in a dustpan and handed them to Zheng Changshui.

"It's too little, not even enough for one meal."

Zheng Changshui's target was the big catfish, and he looked at the five or six crucian carps with a look of disgust.

"Oh, sister-in-law, don't fight, don't fight."

Gao Guilan snatched the dustpan back and hit Zheng Changshui head and face with the big broom.

Zheng Xinyue watched Zheng Changshui and Chen Shuli run away like crazy after being beaten by their mother. She had seen Chen Shuli's greed, so she agreed with her mother's approach. She should not give good looks to such people.

"What's going on? Why are you performing a full martial arts show?"

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