There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 1020 We must still be a family at critical moments

Zheng Maoshan's wife and Chen Sili's mother came out of the house. When they heard Zheng Changshui threatening Zheng Xinyue so shamelessly, Zheng Maoshan's wife couldn't stand it anymore and immediately pointed at him and started scolding him rudely.

In terms of seniority, she was Zheng Changshui's elder, so scolding him was perfectly normal.

"Auntie, aren't your elbows turned outward?"

Zheng Changshui was humiliated by the scolding, but he refused to put down his things. He faced Zheng Maoshan's wife with a scoundrel look on his face, trying to draw her into his camp.

"Stop talking nonsense, put your things down quickly, and get out of here. Don't you know that you are being misunderstood?"

Zheng Maoshan's wife even looked down upon him. She used to come to her house to fight against Qiu Feng, and she would not let him go without being beaten. She hated his wife Chen Shuli the most. Without her backstabbing, her daughter would not dare to do so many wrong things, so she Now I have no good feelings toward these two couples.

Zheng Xinyue didn't talk nonsense to this scoundrel, regardless of whether he was an elder or not. With a dark face, she went over and pinched the tendons on Zheng Changshui's wrist and easily snatched the bag away.

"Oh, it's broken, it's broken, Zheng Xinyue hit the old man, come and see!"

When Zheng Changshui saw that Zheng Xinyue had snatched the things away, he felt very angry. He started acting rogue, sat down on the ground, slapped his legs and shouted.

"Tie him up, then let your dad and your brother break his legs.

Zheng Maoshan's wife was so angry that she went over and slapped Zheng Changshui twice, but the boy didn't care and kept shouting. She picked up a corn and stuffed it into his mouth, calling her daughter-in-law and Zheng Xinyue to prepare to kidnap him.

The rope was ready in the warehouse. Zheng Xinyue took the rope and walked towards Zheng Changshui with a dark face. She had to use some ruthless means to deal with such a rotten person.

Zheng Changshui was really scared this time. Building a house was a big deal and he had to do it himself. If Gao Guilan and his eldest brother found out, they could really break his legs.

He stopped shouting, and before Zheng Xinyue came over, he pushed away Zheng Maoshan's wife and Chen Sili's mother, squeezed out of the warehouse and ran away without looking back, not even taking the bag he brought.

"You have to be ruthless when dealing with scoundrels like this."

Zheng Maoshan's wife clapped her hands and felt that this was a good idea. When Zheng Changshui came to her house to catch the autumn wind, she would let her two sons tie him up.

"Thank you, grandma."

Zheng Xinyue was amused, and suddenly felt that this old woman was quite good. She had been the captain's wife for a long time, so she had a somewhat superior mentality, and she did those annoying things because she was too obsessed with her daughter.

"Thank you! I know who is good and who is bad from now on. We must be a family at critical moments!"

Zheng Maoshan's wife looked emotional, the two of them were talking! Over there, Gu Meijiao ran back panting.

Zheng Xinyue saw that her sister-in-law's face was red and her eyes were full of anger. She smiled and greeted her, coaxing her in a low voice.

"Don't be angry. It doesn't matter if you didn't get the fish back. I'll settle the score with them later."

"Sister-in-law, in the morning I thought my aunt shouldn't hit people. Now I know that some people can't be beaten. No, I'll snatch the fish back."

Gu Meijiao saw that her sister-in-law thought she had not snatched it back! Suddenly he smiled mischievously, and before he could catch his breath, he couldn't wait to pick up the bag hidden behind his back and show it to his sister-in-law, his eyes full of pride.

Zheng Xinyue looked at Gu Meijiao in disbelief. She was a cute city girl. Chen Shuli had been doing farm work all year round, so her strength was not something she could compete with.

"Meijiao is so awesome! How did you get it back?"

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