There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 1021 Our beauty is so amazing!

"Sister-in-law, I grabbed her shoulders and kicked her legs, then twisted her arms behind her back, and she screamed and let go.

Gu Meijiao was performing while talking. The first actual battle made her more confident in the grappling technique taught to her by her sister-in-law. It really worked at the critical moment, and she was very proud of it.

"Ha, our beauties are so amazing!"

Zheng Xinyue did not hesitate to praise Meijiao at all, and put the recovered big catfish back into the bucket to raise it, so that she could take it away with her grandpa when he left.

Zheng Changshui and his wife made two big cloth bags by stealing them, but they didn't dare to ask for them. They complained to each other and put the blame on each other. No one dared to go to Zheng's house.

At noon, Gu Changfeng came from the city with a small carriage loaded with wood that had been broken into planks.

After the house was built, the furniture had to be packed quickly. He was going to build a three-door wardrobe for Zheng Chengbao.

He arrived at just the right time. The roof had been put up and all the workers had returned to Zheng's house, washing their faces and hands outside the yard and getting ready for dinner.

The courtyard was full of people, as lively as the Chinese New Year.

Zheng Xinyue cooked six dishes, and the six or six dishes were auspicious.

The six pots of vegetables are full of meat and fish, and the wowotou uses new corn noodles, which are made from pure corn kernels. There is no mixture of corn kernels or ground grains, and they look golden. Like gold ingots one by one, thieves attract people.

This meal is more abundant than the Chinese New Year, and the carpenters and bricklayers who came to install the beams are very satisfied. This rich meal will last them a few days back home.

Gu Changfeng jumped off his bicycle and locked it. The carriage was not as fast as his bicycle, so it had not arrived yet.

As soon as he entered the hospital, he saw Zheng Xinyue coming out of the house carrying a large basin of steamed buns. Such a large basin made Xinyue's arms even slender. Her face was flushed with sweat, which wet her hair on both temples. Gu Changfeng He hurriedly went over to pick it up and greeted her with a smile:


"Changfeng, you came at just the right time, and the food is just right."

When Zheng Xinyue saw Gu Changfeng, she immediately curved her mouth upwards, and her sparkling eyes were full of smiles. Her words made Gu Changfeng's face full of black lines. She felt as if she deliberately stepped on the meal spot to eat in order to escape. What about labor?

"Are you tired?"

Gu Changfeng took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the sweat off Zheng Xinyue's forehead with a smile, his low voice full of concern.

"It's not tiring. There are many people working."

Zheng Xinyue raised her little face and looked at Gu Changfeng's smiling reply with her dark eyes. She didn't care about other people's eyes at all. She was about to marry Changfeng. What was she afraid of?

Mr. Gu came out of the house accompanied by Zheng Dakui. Originally, Zheng Dakui wanted to invite him to have dinner in the house, but the old man liked the lively atmosphere in the yard and refused to agree to anything. Zheng Dakui had no choice but to accompany him to the yard. Eat inside.

Seeing Gu Changfeng's consideration for Zheng Xinyue, Mr. Gu hit Zheng Dakui with his elbow and said with a smile:

"Haha, look at how affectionate these young couples are. Da Kui will marry Cheng Bao quickly so that we can marry Xinyue back."


Zheng Dakui was pleased to see his uncle treating his daughter well, and he nodded in agreement with a smile on his rare smile.

"Let's eat! Everyone has worked hard, and it's disrespectful to eat wine and vegetables."

After all the chefs had finished washing up, Zheng Dakui greeted everyone to sit down and said some kind words.

Gao Guilan was busy greeting the guests, looking at the six dishes on the table and Huang Yingying's steamed buns, feeling heartbroken.

Fortunately, her daughter told her that these were gifts from her ancestors and Master Huang, otherwise she would have been in distress.

Seeing her uncle coming, Gao Guilan smiled.

"Changfeng, come inside. If it's windy outside, don't let the wind blow you away."

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