There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 1033 There is someone in the woods

But the jokes were limited to praising him. He didn't dare to say anything like the third child, and slapped Gu Changfeng on the shoulder at every turn.

Fortunately, Changfeng had a strong body, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to bear the big slap like a cattail leaf fan from the third child.

"Changfeng, my aunt asked your second sister-in-law to make dumplings. The ones stuffed with cabbage and bacon are so delicious."

There was the last piece of bacon left in the house, and Gao Guilan watched the dumplings that her uncle had painstakingly ordered his daughter-in-law to make.

"Thank you, aunt."

Gu Changfeng smiled and nodded, and walked together to Zheng's house. When he passed the foot of the mountain, he stopped and looked thoughtfully at the forest not far away.

"Changfeng, what's wrong?"

Zheng Xinyue followed him. Seeing him stop, she also stopped. Suddenly she felt a chill, which came from her heart. Just like the previous times, she felt like she was being stared at eerily.

"You go back first and I'll go take a look."

Gu Changfeng whispered to Zheng Xinyue and walked quickly into the woods without waiting for her to reply.

"What are you going to do, Changfeng?"

Zheng Chenghu looked at Gu Changfeng's walking back in confusion and asked his sister in a low voice.

Suddenly his eyes flashed, and he regretted asking, what else could a man do in the woods? It's either urgent to urinate or urgent to defecate.

"Second brother, hurry up and take a look."

The uneasiness in Zheng Xinyue's heart is getting stronger and stronger. She is worried about Changfeng going to the woods alone. Although there are not many leaves left, the trees next to each other also block the view. At this time, the sky is dark when the black man enters. No figure.


Zheng Chenghu promised, but in fact he didn't agree at all. He had to follow people to the toilet. Does the little girl love the man too much?


Zheng Chenghu had just walked a few steps away when he heard Gu Changfeng roar, and a bunch of crows flew out of the woods, screaming and hovering in the sky. Is there someone in the woods? Zheng Chenghu's eyes flashed and he hurried into the woods.

"Mom, let me go take a look."

Zheng Xinyue couldn't wait any longer and shouted to Gao Guilan who was walking in front, and she also ran into the woods.

"What's going on?"

When Mrs. Gao heard Gu Changfeng's loud shout, she was so frightened that she covered her heart and asked her daughter in fear.

"I don't know, second daughter-in-law, Sili, please help grandma go back first, and I'll go take a look."

Gao Guilan doesn't know what happened? But she was sure that there must be someone in the woods. Her first thought was that people from other brigades were coming to steal food again. She rolled up her arms and sleeves. Her fingers were itchy to death after not scratching someone for a long time.

Since these people don't know how to die, she gives them a taste of fried meat with fingernails.

"How old are you? Let the men catch the thieves!"

When Mrs. Gao saw her daughter running into the woods, she immediately became anxious and shouted at her back.

How old are you now? Why do you still think of yourself as a young man?

"Still poking, ask your dad to bring someone here, he really stole all the food, you're going to cry!"

The old lady turned around and saw Li Xiuli and Chen Sili still standing stupidly! The crutch banged on the ground and shouted orders to the two of them.

"Oh, okay, I'll go find my uncle right now. Second sister-in-law, don't run away while you're pregnant."

Chen Sili recovered after being scolded by the old lady, turned around and ran away, but she still cared about Li Xiuli at the critical moment!

The young man had quick legs and feet. In a short while, Zheng Dakui came running over with several strong laborers from the village. It was getting dark soon, and some of them were still carrying torches.

"It's in the woods, go quickly, Xinyue and Guilan are both inside! Go quickly!"

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