When Mrs. Gao saw her uncle coming with people, she seemed to have found a backbone and hurriedly pointed into the woods.


Zheng Dakui led the strong men in the village into the woods.

All the women in the village came to watch the fun. The men had all gone into the mountains and forests, and they had to wait for them to come back.

"Do you mean it's from the first team or the second team?"

"I think the third team is also possible!"

"These shameless people come to steal ours if they can't grow their own food!"

"That's right, I took care of it lightly last time. This time I'll catch him and beat him to death to see who dares to steal it."

The women stretched their necks and looked into the woods. Their mouths were still busy. Some of them even took out melon seeds from their pockets and ate them. They were busy watching the excitement and everyone was excited.

wait! wait! As time passed, the excitement on these women's faces was replaced by worry.

"Is something wrong?"

"Can't? There are so many people!"

Listening to the worried voices of these people, Mrs. Gao became even more anxious. There were several members of her family in the woods!

"Oh, why don't you come out yet?"

The old lady began to gnash her teeth and complained in her heart to the family members. Why were they so active in catching thieves? Aren't you afraid of danger?

Zheng Chengbao walked over with big strides. He had gone to work the day before yesterday. The work unit was busy and he worked overtime. It was already dark after get off work. His stomach was growling and the food depot was not providing food. He kept talking about being stingy all the time!

I felt so hungry that I could eat a cow. I thought I would have a hot meal when I walked in. But when I returned home, I found that only the children were left at home, and no adults were there. It was only when I asked the children that I knew something had happened.

Come over and see that they are all surrounded by woods! He squeezed into the crowd and saw his grandma and Sili at a glance, and asked them in a loud voice:

"Grandma, Sili, where are they?"

"It's not out yet!"

Seeing Zheng Chengbao back, Chen Sili's face flashed with joy and she replied sweetly.

"I gonna go see."

Zheng Chengbao's eyes were looking into the woods! He didn't even see the joy in Sili's eyes when she saw her, and she was about to walk into the forest without saying a word.

Chen Sili's eyes flashed with anxiety, and she shouted worriedly at his back:

"Brother Chengbao, be careful!"

"It's okay. You can help grandma go back first. It's cold at night!"

When Zheng Chengbao heard his future wife's caring words, he turned around and smiled sweetly at her, a rare word of concern.

"Chengbao, come back here."

Seeing that her third grandson wanted to go into the forest, Mrs. Gao immediately gave him a cane and refused to let him go no matter what.

"Don't join in the fun."

"Grandma, I know Kung Fu. I was the one who took the thieves to the village before!"

Zheng Chengbao smiled and pushed his grandma's crutch away, and proudly told him about his past achievements.

"You're not allowed to go then. Let's wait and see the situation later!"

The old lady still stopped her. She felt a little uneasy. She felt like there were monsters and monsters hiding in the woods. What if they all got in and were wiped out?

It's a stalemate! The fire flickered in the woods, and people came out of the woods one after another.

"Another food thief."

The person who came out first shouted to the crowd.

"Look, I just said that our brigade will be worried about the rats even if it has food!"

"Which brigade are you from?"

The women started chattering loudly again, and each of them showed their sharp nails like Gao Guilan.

"But we are all here. There are people from the four brigades."

As more and more people came out, the captured thieves were pushed in front of everyone.

They were said to be thieves, but they all stood shivering in the wind, with sallow faces and thin eyes, and there was no fear in their eyes after being caught, only a crazy desire for food.

"Didn't Changfeng come out?"

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