There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 1040 She had a brush with death

When Chen Sili found out that the man was going to kill Zheng Xinyue, the fear in her heart seemed to disappear in an instant, and she threw the stone in her hand at the man's head like crazy.

The man's attention was all on Zheng Xinyue. When the pig-killing knife was about to stab Zheng Xinyue, Gao Guilan pushed her away. When he heard the sound of stones hitting him and the black shadow in front of him, he instinctively turned his head to avoid it. Zheng Xinyue was killing the pig. When the knife stabbed him, he took a quick step back and narrowly dodged it.

She was so frightened that she broke out in a cold sweat. She just narrowly missed death. She had never encountered such a terrible thing in her previous life. Almost out of self-saving instinct, Zheng Xinyue did not hesitate for a moment and pointed the stone in her hand at the man's head. Smash it hard.

The man was staggered by Gao Guilan's fierce push. It was only this moment before he straightened up and threw Gao Guilan away. Just as he was about to attack Zheng Xinyue again, the stone in Zheng Xinyue's hand came over and hit him heavily on the forehead. This time, the force was not small and it was at a close range. Blood quickly came out and flowed down the man's forehead into his eyes. This blurred his vision and could not see the person in front of him. He stabbed randomly with the butcher's knife in his hand.

The man's face covered with blood and his crazy eyes were right in front of her. The butcher's knife with the sound of wind almost stabbed her several times. Zheng Xinyue dodged in embarrassment. She had an intuition in her heart that this man's target was her. As long as she ran away If you can distract him by walking, then Mom and Sister Sili will be safe.

Thinking of this, Zheng Xinyue turned around and ran away. When the man heard the sound of her running away, he wiped away the blood that blocked his sight and chased Zheng Xinyue with a butcher's knife.

"Come quickly! The bad guys are here."

Chen Sili shouted for help at the top of her lungs. The man's ferocity frightened her. The stones in his hand were thrown at him. None of them hit his head, but all fell on him.

Gao Guilan picked up the Yang Cha on the ground and chased after her, shouting loudly: "You bastard, come and kill me, don't chase my daughter."

The man ignored her at all and chased Zheng Xinyue all the way behind. He had long legs and long steps and was about to catch up with Zheng Xinyue. His eyes shone with the excitement and ferocity of a beast about to catch its prey.

"Xinyue, run quickly."

Gao Guilan watched helplessly as her daughter was about to be overtaken. She shouted anxiously, and when she saw the butcher knife in the man's hand stabbing her daughter behind, she threw the Yang Cha at the man's back desperately.

Almost at the same time, Zheng Xinyue tripped over a tree root. After falling to the ground, she rolled twice towards the woods, avoiding the gleaming butcher knife again.

After running violently and escaping from death twice, Zheng Xinyue was so frightened that her hands and feet became weak and she was covered in cold sweat. The fear in her heart could not be suppressed at all. Her eyes were filled with the murderous butcher's knife, and she felt like she was being slaughtered. Lamb.

At this moment, the Yang Cha thrown by Gao Guilan hit the man on the back. He was staggered twice, and the butcher's knife pierced the air again. The sharp pain on the back made the man feel fierce again. After leveling up, he glared at Zheng Xinyue who rolled to the edge of the woods with crazy murderous intent. He ignored whether his back was injured and rushed over with a knife. He wanted to cut this woman into pieces.

"I'll fight you."

Seeing that Gao Guilan didn't stop the man even after throwing Yang Cha, she rushed over and hugged the man's lower back desperately.

Zheng Xinyue had been frightened to the point of losing her fighting spirit. When she saw her mother disregarding her own safety in order to save her, her fighting spirit and courage came back. She got up from the ground and rushed towards the man.

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