There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 1041 Mom and little sister are in danger

Zheng Xinyue saw the man turning back sharply and raising the butcher's knife towards her mother. Regardless of her own safety, she rushed over and grabbed the man's wrist with both hands, opened her mouth and bit down hard.

The man didn't expect the delicate Zheng Xinyue to be so brave. When she rushed over, he wanted to withdraw the butcher's knife and stab her. Zheng Xinyue's cold hands grabbed his wrist and he was stunned for a moment, with confusion in his fierce eyes. He looked at Zheng Xinyue's courageous, clear and clean eyes.

Would a bad woman have such clear eyes? Do you have such courage? There was a flash of hesitation in his eyes, and a sudden pain in his wrist. He looked down at the girl biting him fiercely. The thin neck was right in front of him. He could cut it off with one hand. The pain stimulated his bloodthirsty nerves. , the hesitation was replaced by a fierce light in a flash, no matter you are good or bad, I will kill you today!

Gao Guilan hugged the man desperately. When she saw her daughter rushing to save her, the old lady became anxious. She grabbed the man's shoulders and used her strength to jump up. She put her arms around the man's neck and hung herself on his back. She opened her mouth without hesitation. In order to save her daughter, Gao Guilan bit down on the man's neck and was as fierce as a she-wolf protecting her cubs. She bit him hard with her teeth and even the disgusting smell of blood did not make her let go. She bit him to death in order to save her daughter.

The severe pain in his neck was more unbearable than the pain in his wrist, which is the most vulnerable part of a person. The man felt that his life was threatened, and he had murderous intentions towards Gao Guilan. He ignored Zheng Xinyue, who was not a threat, and grabbed her fiercely. Gao Guilan's hair wanted to pull her away from his neck.

"Help! The bad guys want to kill Xinyue and Auntie, please help!"

When Chen Sili saw this scene of fierce fighting, she was so frightened that her legs went weak and she knelt on the ground, with tears streaming down her face and she screamed for help with all her strength.

It was easier to track Gu Changfeng with the torch. He first found the location where he fell into the trap. Zheng Chengbao followed Gu Changfeng. Under the jumping torch, he frowned with a dark face. He must hold back his energy to catch Chen Rongfa. When he saw the trap, he cursed.

"it's him."

"Chen Rongfa, if you are a man, get out of here. Don't hide and be a coward and do these shameful tricks. Come on, you are a man. Come out. Don't worry, I won't let others do it. Let's fight alone. Can you?" It’s up to you to kill me.”

Zheng Chengbao looked into the darkness of the forest and shouted loudly. His voice was already loud, and he was raising his voice. His shout echoed everywhere in the forest, causing the leaves to flutter and fall.

Different from Zheng Chengbao's mania, Gu Changfeng looked at the traces on the ground carefully, stood up and followed the footsteps with a torch.

Zheng Chengbao shouted several times in succession, but before Chen Rong could say it, he was so angry that he punched the tree with his fist:

"You're such a coward, I'll catch you and tear your bones apart."

Gu Changfeng noticed something unusual, and there was a big mountain ahead. Logically speaking, it was the safest way to hide in the mountains, but the other party didn't do that. Instead, he chose to bypass this location and go to the village. He thought of Xinyue and Aunt Zi. Still waiting for them outside the woods, Gu Changfeng's heart skipped a beat, and he turned around and shouted to Zheng Chengbao:

"Cheng Bao, follow him, he's walking back again."

After Gu Changfeng shouted, he turned around and ran out of the woods. Zheng Chengbao was stunned for a second. Thinking of his little sister and mother, he followed Gu Changfeng and ran out of the woods.

As soon as Zheng Dakui and his two sons caught up, he saw his uncle running past him.

"Changfeng, what's wrong?"

"Dad, Changfeng said that boy ran back again, and mom and little sister are in danger."

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