There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 1049 Mother-in-law loves her son-in-law

Embarrassment flashed across Zheng Dakui's face. He knew that his wife was really angry this time, but he didn't seem to do anything? As a captain, you have to protect the village members.

There are traps in the woods. The three of them, father and son, always go into the mountains to hunt. You can tell at a glance that the others are different. Some have gone into the mountains to hunt and some have not. At that time, I was in a hurry to chase Changfeng and didn’t have time to pick them out one by one, so I took them with them. He went in with his three sons, but he didn't expect that his wife and Xinyue almost lost their lives, so they still treated him unforgivingly.

"Guilan, save some face for the man."

At the critical moment, the mother-in-law loves her son-in-law and does not allow her daughter to scold Zheng Dakui in front of her future son-in-law.

Gao Guilan glared at Zheng Dakui, but unfortunately her face was so swollen that her eyes were squeezed into slits, and her glare was not impressive.

Zheng Dakui was not a coaxer, so he silently picked up the egg, washed it with hot water, and then rolled it on his wife's face.

"Hiss! It hurts so much."

Gao Guilan gasped in pain and grabbed her hand to grab the egg. Her hand was neither light nor heavy nor gentle at all.

"Be patient, it's useless if it doesn't hurt."

Zheng Laosan's straight son was inherited from his father. Zheng Dakui felt distressed, but he could not say it with his mouth, and he was not gentle with his hands. He thought that if he used his hands lightly, he would not be able to get rid of the congestion, so his strength did not decrease at all. The speed has accelerated.

So, Li Xiuli held the dumplings at the door and did not dare to enter the house. It was too embarrassing. Her husband was so kind to her mother-in-law.

In the west room, Gu Changfeng was wiping Zheng Xinyue with a hot towel. The heat was steaming in the room, and a blush gradually appeared on Zheng Xinyue's pale, bloodless face.

She was not as seriously injured as her mother. The main reason was that the fall was relatively heavy. There was a sharp pain in her back when she fell, and she seemed to hear the sound of bones breaking.

It was really painful to calm down now, but she didn't dare to show it, otherwise Changfeng would force her to go to the hospital. She didn't want to go, and she didn't want to suffer for a night, so it was better to go into space and soak in the river water to heal her injuries.

He raised his head and secretly looked at Gu Changfeng. He was sitting by the kang with his head lowered in the heat. He was gently wiping the scratches on his hands and arms with a towel. His face was as gloomy as the bottom of a pot. He didn't know why. Who are you angry with?

Feeling Zheng Xinyue's gaze, Gu Changfeng raised his eyelids and looked at her solemnly, his deep voice sounded muffled:

"Why don't you go home?"

He was angry with himself, angry that he didn't catch Chen Rongfa in the first place and caused Xinyue to be injured.

"Worried about you!"

Zheng Xinyue felt his anger and her voice was a little soft, like a child who had done something wrong.

She should have persuaded her mother to go home at that time, otherwise her old man would not have been so seriously injured!

"Don't let yourself be put in danger again."

Seeing Xinyue's aggrieved look, Gu Changfeng's expression turned distressed and remorseful, but he still ordered her domineeringly.

When he entered the woods, there were clearly a lot of people around Xinyue, otherwise he would not have returned to the woods again and would have stayed by her side to protect her.


Zheng Xinyue obediently agreed.

"Xinyue, Changfeng, it's time to eat dumplings."

Li Xiuli was too embarrassed to enter the east room. The dumplings were cold and not delicious, so she shouted to the west room.

"Okay, thank you sister-in-law."

Zheng Xinyue stretched her neck and shouted out the door, but this action caused pain in her back and she frowned suddenly.

"What's wrong?"

Gu Changfeng's eyes never left Zheng Xinyue's face. When he saw her painful little face twitching together, he immediately grabbed her and asked.

Xinyue lied to him. She suffered more than just the scratches on the surface. There must be other injuries, and they were very serious!

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