Zheng Xinyue waved her hands and tried to stand up, but the injury on her back hurt twice as much as before, and she couldn't help but groan.


Gu Changfeng didn't believe it was just a sprained foot. He pulled Zheng Xinyue and took off her coat despite her objections. Soon Zheng Xinyue was only wearing a vest in front of Gu Changfeng. She subconsciously hugged herself and turned around quickly.

In modern times, I have never felt embarrassed wearing a bikini, but today, wearing a conservative vest, Zheng Xinyue was too embarrassed to look at Changfeng.

"The injury was so severe, why didn't you tell me?"

Gu Changfeng's voice was full of anxiety and anger. Under the dim light of the kerosene lamp, Xinyue's white back was covered in bruises and swelling, which was so dazzling to see.

"No, I have to go to the hospital."

Gu Changfeng immediately refused to listen to Zheng Xinyue, took a coat and put it on for her, and ordered without question!

"If you don't go, it's just a knock. If you go to the hospital and work hard, my mother will be even more angry with my father. Besides, it hurts to death because of what they did to me. I just have some medicine to put on it."

Zheng Xinyue couldn't care less about being shy, and tugged on the collar of her clothes to refuse eagerly.

The Mongolian doctor in the orthopedic department of the hospital treats me badly! She couldn't bear the pain!

"No, it looks like a broken bone, I need to go to the hospital!"

Gu Changfeng couldn't help but say that Xinyue must go to the hospital.

"Don't pull, it hurts!"

Zheng Xinyue struggled back, and the clothes she was wearing fell to the ground, leaving only her hurdle vest.

When Zheng Laosan went home after sending Chen Sili off, he saw his second sister-in-law standing at the door of the east room holding dumplings. When she got off work, she was so hungry that her front cavity pressed against her back, and she chased and used force to digest the last bit of food in her stomach.

So, when he saw the dumplings, his eyes lit up, and he took the dumplings directly from the second sister-in-law and carried them into the house. He didn't notice that Xinyue and Changfeng came to the west room to look for them.

"Xinyue, Changfeng is eating dumplings."

Zheng Laosan didn't think much, so he pushed the door open and entered the house. He was stunned as soon as he entered the door. His sister was only wearing a vest and holding her arms with a face of resistance. Changfeng also reached out to pull her hand holding her arms?

"What are you doing? Don't touch my little sister until you're married!"

The next moment, Zheng Laosan's characteristic loud voice exploded with a roar, and people rushed over like a whirlwind, pulling Gu Changfeng and pushing him out of the house.

Gu Changfeng's face turned red as he was pushed out of Zheng Xinyue's room by his uncle.


The door was closed behind him and plugged in.

Gu Changfeng turned around with a black line on his face. Did Xinyue also think that he was being frivolous towards her?

"Changfeng, why are you so anxious? My little sister will marry you in two months. Don't you want to hear this again?"

Zheng Laosan's dissatisfied murmurs could be heard in his ears. At least he knew to lower his voice this time.

"you misunderstood."

Gu Changfeng explained helplessly, what was going on in Zheng Chengbao's head?

"I understand, I understand, don't say it, they are all men. Now I want to have a wife to warm the Kang when I go to bed at night!"

Zheng Laosan grinned and smiled. I understand you are anxious, but he was still not allowed to return to Xinyue's room.

"Xinyue is injured, I want to take her to the hospital!"

Gu Changfeng shook his head and pushed Zheng Laosan away. He felt that his thoughts were not on the same line as his uncle's, so he had to explain to him patiently.

"You don't need to take off your clothes even if you have a small scratch, right?"

Zheng Laosan rolled his eyes at Gu Changfeng. This excuse was made by him. How could it hurt? It’s obvious that he can’t wait to get married!

Gu Changfeng looked at him speechlessly, feeling that the scholar had no idea why he met the soldiers, so he simply turned around and knocked on the door of the west room:

"Xinyue, come out, don't be willful, you must go to the hospital for a check-up!"

Zheng Dakui walked out of the east room and was disliked by his wife all night. His mother-in-law couldn't stand it anymore and thought he was abusing her! Grab the egg and let her go to Guilan.

Zheng Dakui's hands were empty, and he was glared at by his wife. He couldn't stay in the room any longer. When he heard his third son shouting in a loud voice, he took the opportunity to come out.

As soon as he went out, he heard Gu Changfeng's words, and his expression immediately changed:

"Changfeng, what's wrong with Xinyue?"

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