There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 1058: Scared to the point of death

Just as Zheng Xinyue was about to return to her room, she heard a shrill cry from outside the door that resounded through the sky.

Mrs. Gao's eyelids were all glued shut. She was frightened by the scream. She looked out the dark window and covered her heart and asked Zheng Dakui:

"What's going on?"

Zheng Dakui and Zheng Xinyue hurriedly went out to see, Zheng Laosan and his third brother were faster than the two of them! Jump out of the house early.

When Zheng Xinyue went out, she anxiously looked at her mother. What she saw shocked her. Her mother was climbing up the wall with her pants in hand!

"Mom, what are you doing?"

She hurried over to hold her mother, who had a concussion before! Why is this going to be on the wall? Isn't it just a kind of sequelae?

"Damn it, this old boy Wang Laowang climbed on the wall in the middle of the night to scare my mother. This scared me so much that I almost wet my pants pocket.

While scolding, Gao Guilan sat on the wall and kicked Wang Laowei, who was lying limply on the ground.

"Mom, let's get down first and finish peeing before we talk."

Zheng Xinyue pulled her down the wall. Don't really wet your pants. Don't be in a hurry to hit someone.

Gao Guilan really couldn't hold it in any longer, and ran to the backyard toilet without caring about cleaning up Wang Laowei.

"I'll take care of you when I get back!"

She cursed before leaving.

"Wang Laowei, are you thinking of stealing my things again?"

Zheng Dakui frowned and questioned Wang Laowei, who was lying on the ground covering his face and howling. His face was pale and pale under the moonlight, and his grinning teeth were scarier than a ghost.

"This old boy must have failed to hold his fart in well."

Zheng Chengbao couldn't even look down on Wang Laowei, so he pointed at him and started scolding him.

"Oh, what's going on!"

When Wu Chunmei heard her husband's scream, she was so frightened that she did not dare to leave the house. It was not until she heard Zheng Dakui's voice that she ran out of the house.

"Captain, there is a ghost in your house!"

With the support of his wife, Wang Laowen climbed up and cried tremblingly.

"It's your house that has a ghost! Why are you lying on the wall of my house without sleeping in the middle of the night?"

Zheng Dakui cursed angrily that almost everyone in the house was sleeping at this time. The two couples were still wearing clothes, but they looked like they hadn't slept. It was strange that they stayed up in the middle of the night and lay on the wall.

There was a smell of urine in the air, and Zheng Xinyue covered her nose in disgust. Was this so frightening that she peed?

"Really, Hei Wuchang came to your house to arrest you!"

Wang Laowang cried with snot and tears all over his face. It turned out that he heard shouting from Zheng's house at night. It seemed that there was something going on between Gu Changfeng and Zheng Xinyue.

Wang Laowen got out of his vulgar taste and wanted to see if Gu Changfeng would stay at Zheng's house tonight and sleep in the same room as Zheng Xinyue?

During this period, I had a stomachache and went to the toilet to poop. I missed the scene of Gu Changfeng leaving the Zheng family, so I came back and continued to stay. If it is confirmed that Gu Changfeng and Zheng Xinyue sleep together at night, let my daughter-in-law go to the village to publicize it tomorrow. This is big news. .

This old boy is not afraid of the cold, and is quite resilient. He lay down for half the night. When no one came out at midnight, he decided that Gu Changfeng had stayed at Zheng's house. Just as he was about to go back to the house to sleep, he heard the door and hurriedly shrank his neck. He hid under the wall and secretly exposed his eyes to look at Zheng's house.

It happened that at this time, Gao Guilan was disturbed by the broom that fell on the ground. She staggered forward and flew towards her, giving the impression that she was floating in the air.

Wang Laowen just stuck his head out, and Gao Guilan also threw herself against the wall to steady her body. The impact was a bit hard, and she gritted her teeth in pain.

A big black face suddenly came in front of him and grinned at him. Wang Laowen was so frightened that he screamed and lay on the ground with his head in his hands. He was so frightened that he peed.

"You fart, your family is in trouble!"

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