There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 1059 Three points of unreasonable argument

Gao Guilan went to the backyard toilet to drain the water, then walked to the front yard with her pants lifted. Just as she turned around the top of Fangshan, she heard Wang Laowen's words, cursed loudly, and flew over the wall with her hands on the wall.

"Ah! Ghost!"

Poor Wang Laowei, he just stood up with the help of his wife, but the fear in his heart has not yet dissipated! All he could see was Hei Wuchang's terrifying face.

Gao Guilan just fell from the sky, and that terrifying face suddenly came right in front of her. Wang Laowen screamed and fainted.

"Mom, Mom, let's go home."

Zheng Xinyue grinned, and then she remembered that her mother was smearing fake medicine on her face!

In the middle of the night, with a dark face under the moonlight and white eyes exposed, everyone would be scared.

"Don't play dead."

Gao Guilan had no intention of letting Wang Laowei go just like that, so she picked up Wang Laowei by his collar and started plowing the land.

The old boy's cries of ghosts and wolf howls just now almost scared her to the point of peeing. Does this mean that her family has Hei Wuchang?

What's that? That's a kid here to seduce people, and there's a mother at home! Doesn't Wang Laowen say this to curse people?

"Stop scratching, stop scratching!"

Wu Chunmei never saw Gao Guilan's face. She only saw a figure flying over, and then heard Gao Guilan's voice. When she looked again, her husband was being held in Gao Guilan's hand and scratching her!

She rubbed her feet anxiously but didn't dare to move forward. Scratching her husband's face was better than scratching hers. It's not like she hadn't seen the power of Gao Guilan's nails. The scar she was scratched last time was not healed yet. !

Seeing her husband being scratched made her face hurt!

"Guilan, come back!"

Zheng Dakui frowned and called his daughter-in-law, but Gao Guilan's character did not like to give up halfway in anything, and he would tickle someone until he was convinced.

"Stop scratching, it will bloom if you scratch it again!"

Wu Chunmei was so frightened that she cried. She turned around and looked into the room, hating that Wang Jinzhi didn't come out to help with the fight. This damn girl, a loser, was getting more and more outrageous.

"It hurts, it hurts!"

Wang Laowen was woken up by Gao Guilan's scratches, and the piercing pain on his face made him cry.

"Do you still dare to talk nonsense?"

Gao Guilan was also tired of scratching, so she grabbed his collar and yelled at him.

"Huh? Oops!"

As a result, Wang Laowen was so frightened that he fainted again when he saw the ghostly face so close.

"Mom, come back quickly."

Zheng Xinyue was afraid that her mother would be scared to death again, so she put her hands on the wall and tried to jump over, but Zheng Laosan pulled her down.

"I go!"

Zheng Chenglong saw his mother's face, and now he understood why Wang Laowen fainted. Not to mention Wang Laowen, he was shocked when he suddenly saw it.

Zheng Chenglong had long legs and leaped over the wall. He pulled his mother up and told her in a low voice: "Mom, your face is quite scary!"

"Ah? Really?"

Gao Guilan touched her face and then remembered that her daughter had applied medicine to her. She blinked and realized that she seemed a little unreasonable. She scared people to the point of peeing and scratched them?


Who is Gao Guilan? It's unreasonable to argue three points! He would not admit that he was wrong. He pointed at Wang Laowen who had fainted and cursed:

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will scratch you to death!"

After Gao Guilan finished speaking, she curled her hair and walked towards the wall of her house with great pride.

This time, Wu Chunmei saw Gao Guilan's face. She was stunned for a moment, then trembled all over, and then a high-pitched scream came out of her mouth:


Then, his eyes rolled over and landed on Wang Laowen.

have to.

Another one fainted.

Zheng Xinyue covered her face, her fake medicine was really harmful to people.

Gao Guilan was frightened by Wu Chunmei, covered her heart and cursed her:

"What are you calling for in the middle of the night?"

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