There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 1065 The joy of sharing food

Just when Wang Caihong was distracted, she heard the alert voice of one of the men. Wang Caihong subconsciously wanted to run out to find her mother. In the past, no matter what she did, her parents would support her unconditionally. They would help her with big things. , but they can’t handle this!

"Follow her and keep an eye on her! She must have gone to find Wang Caihong. I'll keep guarding here!"

A man ordered another man in a low voice, followed by the sound of footsteps trotting away.


The still burning cigarette butt was thrown on the ground, only half an inch away from Wang Caihong. Wang Caihong was so scared that he shrank into a ball, wishing he could turn into a mouse and crawl into a hole to hide.

Compared with Wang Caihong's embarrassment, Zheng Xinyue was secretly happy at this time, because today the village distributed food, and every household was as happy as the New Year.

Zheng Xinyue was not allowed to go to work because Gu Changfeng was injured, so she happened to participate in today's food distribution. The lively scene was so exciting that everyone had a smile on their face.

The usually talkative woman stopped even chatting. Everyone listened to Zheng Dakui with their ears pricked up.

Zheng Xinyue did not go to the meeting with everyone. She smiled and guarded the golden mountain-like pile of soybeans, holding her hands behind her back and holding her head high, feeling extremely proud.

Zheng Dakui got down to business after a short speech and began to distribute the grain in an orderly manner according to the records in the work points book.

As the accountant, Zheng Dashan is responsible for recording, Zheng Dazhuang is responsible for addressing everyone, and the young adults in the village are responsible for loading food for everyone. The most unruly people in the village are now lining up in an orderly manner with their food bags. The division of labor is clear and the speed is fast. Hurry, as long as we can get food, we are willing to wait a little longer.

What makes everyone happy the most is that obviously there are not many soybeans harvested in the fields, so the family can only share a few dozen kilograms, no more than a hundred kilograms at most.

But when it came to the real score, I discovered that after each family had distributed the grain in full according to the work points, there were still hundreds of kilograms of soybeans left on the threshing floor. I had no idea how they came to be?

The commune members in the village were all bewildered. They were strictly guarding for fear of losing food. Where did the extra soybeans come from?

Zheng Dakui discussed with Zheng Dashan and the prestigious old people in the village, and held a brief meeting for everyone.

Zheng Dakui made two points. First, give the extra grain to the commune! Second, it will be divided equally according to the head, but the responsibility belongs to everyone. Whoever informs the whole village will be unlucky!

Of course the people in the village want to share the food, and nothing else is more important than surviving. It's pointless to fight openly and secretly, and having enough food is the most important thing.

As a result, the villagers united as never before and chose to keep it secret.

There are a total of twenty or thirty households in the village. Each family received dozens of kilograms more soybeans, and everyone was so happy that they couldn't open their mouths from ear to ear.

I don’t know what’s going on with the cabbage and radishes in the field? It has been rising like crazy these past few days, just like blowing air, and it will be divided again in three to five days.

Because cabbage is a secondary planting, the commune will not hand over all of it, but can keep at least half of it. After all, you can save enough to eat until the next autumn harvest.

With enough food and confidence, the young men in the village, even the humble ones, all want to find a beautiful girl as their wife.

Because they are awesome! The girls from the other four brigades all want to marry. Those who had difficulty finding a partner in the past can now choose carefully. As long as they give twenty pounds of corn as a gift, there are many who are ready.

After the food was distributed, they celebrated. In the evening, the Zheng family cooked a sumptuous dinner. Gao Guilan thought about her uncle because of the delicious food, and muttered with a sad face:

"Is Changfeng angry? Why haven't you come all day?"

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