There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 1066: Rejuvenating Medicine

Zheng Xinyue put the braised rabbit meat into a basin and stewed two of them tonight! Enough for a family of all ages to eat, and I can hear my mother talking about it.

"Mom, he's not angry, don't worry!"

Zheng Xinyue smiled after hearing what her mother said. She had been on guard yesterday, but now she was afraid that Gu Changfeng would no longer want her. The old man just loved to worry.

"Tsk, save a bowl for Changfeng, he loves braised rabbit the most!"

Gao Guilan retracted her gaze from the door, raised her hand and touched her face, then looked back at her daughter suspiciously:

"Xinyue, what kind of medicine did you apply to mom yesterday? Why does it work so well? Did the swelling disappear overnight? The skin seems to be more tender than before!"

"A rejuvenating drug."

Zheng Xinyue held a pot of braised rabbit meat, winked at her mother with a smile, and spoke to her in a low voice, pretending to be mysterious.

"Come on? Where can I find this medicine? Why don't you tell me about Taishang Laojun's miraculous elixir!"

Gao Guilan glared at her daughter, she didn't believe it.

"Mom, have you forgotten your ancestors and Master Huang? Knowing you were in trouble, you gave me the medicine specially!"

Zheng Xinyue had already thought of an excuse and whispered it in her mother's ear.

"Ah? That's right, I told them not to watch. Isn't this giving me medicine?"

Gao Guilan looked like he suddenly understood, clapped his hands excitedly, and smiled so hard that he couldn't even see his eyebrows.

Life has been wonderful since I had Master Huang and Ancestor.

It even seems like the ancestors and Master Huang are blessing the people in the village! Otherwise, how could we get hundreds of more kilograms of soybeans out of thin air? The cabbage in the field looks like the sky-piercing willow.

Also, her old hens started laying double-yolked eggs, and there would be inexplicably extra chicks in the chicken coop, and they were growing very fast.

The little pig that Xinyue caught has grown to more than 100 kilograms in one month. At this rate, when the pig is slaughtered during the Chinese New Year, it will grow to more than 200 kilograms or more, which can last for a year on oil. I couldn’t finish all the aspic last winter.

The more Gao Guilan thought about it, the happier she became. She used to worry about not having enough to eat, but now she eats all the meat. She glanced at her daughter and realized that her good days started when she came back. The more she looked at her, the more she felt that her daughter was the lucky star of the Zheng family.

No, she should be the lucky star of the fifth brigade. Without her, these people would have starved to death.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back."

Zheng Laosan is a lucky man. As soon as the food was served, he came into the house with loud steps and windy steps.

"Third brother, why are you so happy?"

Zheng Xinyue looked at the excited third brother with a smile, and wanted to tease him if it was because he saw braised rabbit meat?

Zheng Laosan glanced at the steaming and fragrant rabbit meat on the table, swallowed his saliva to hold back his greed, and watched his sister excitedly announce:

"Xinyue, let me tell you a great thing that will make your heart happy."

"Third grandson, what good thing made you happy like this? Did the work share the food?"

Mrs. Gao tugged at Zheng Laosan's lapel. In the eyes of the old lady, sharing food was the only exciting thing. She was so happy that she didn't want to leave the pile of soybeans.


Zheng Laosan chuckled and scratched his head. In his opinion, this matter was more exciting than the food.

"Third brother, did your employer assign you a house? Or did you arrange a temporary worker for Sister Sili?"

Zheng Xinyue asked the third brother with a smile. In her opinion, it must be these two things that can make the third brother so happy.

"No, how can that be such a good thing? I've only been working for three months. It would be great if you can make me a regular employee."

Zheng Laosan shook his head again. Gao Guilan was impatient. Seeing that Lao San was losing his appetite, he picked up the chopsticks and pointed at his head with a "snap":

"Say it quickly, don't show off!"

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