There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 811 It’s not shameful to have no partner, but it’s not shameful to lie

Gao Yunshan realized later, suddenly thought of his niece's last words and asked her excitedly with his eyes widened. ♛☟♦

"Yes, I have someone."

Zheng Xinyue smiled and nodded, feeling relieved. She thought her uncle was going to start preaching endlessly! Thanks for the diversion.

"What does your partner do?"

Gao Yunshan's counterpart, Lao Lu, looked at Zheng Xinyue with complicated eyes from the moment she entered the room. How could such a good girl get divorced even though she had convulsions?

Suddenly I heard that Zheng Xinyue has a partner! Curious to know what kind of person her partner is? But one thing she can be sure of is that this person will definitely not be from the city. Even in the countryside, he is probably a widower, or his family is very difficult to find a wife, or else he is a little bit... Neither the disabled nor her dislike the other!

"My partner is Director Gu of the sugar factory. ➶➶➶➶➶➷➷➷➷➷"

Zheng Xinyue saw the meaning in Lao Lu's eyes, she smiled lightly and reported it to Gu Changfeng generously.

You all think that I can't find a good partner, so I'm looking for a perfect man to show you.

"What? Director Gu of the sugar factory?"

Lao Lu was stunned at first, and then looked at Zheng Xinyue with suspicion. She originally had a good impression of this little girl and always sympathized with her.

She always wanted to introduce her to a good partner, but today she changed her mind about her. This little girl is not really too vain.

It's not shameful to have no partner, but it's shameful to lie!


Zheng Xinyue frowned slightly and answered in a calm voice. She felt uncomfortable being scrutinized by Aunt Lu's suspicious eyes, as if she was lying, a woman full of lies.

"Xinyue, is it true?"

Not only Lao Lu was suspicious, but even Gao Yunshan looked at his niece in disbelief. Why does this sound unreliable?

Did the niece suffer too much and have hallucinations?

Thinking of this, Gao Yunshan looked at Xinyue with distressed eyes.

Think of Xinyue when she was a child, so beautiful, lively, like a cheerful lark.

But after being frightened by Cheng Bao setting off firecrackers, she seemed to have changed. She had low self-esteem and was cowardly. She locked herself in the room all day long and never dared to look up at anyone. Her sister shed a lot of tears because of Xinyue. .

Maybe the child has been suppressed for too long, and now he is hallucinating?

"Xinyue, when uncle gets rich, he will definitely take you to the provincial capital for medical treatment."

Gao Yunshan looked at his beautiful niece with red eyes and made up his mind to treat her.

This time, no matter how much trouble his wife made, he was willing to fight for it. Such a good child could not be ruined by this disease for the rest of his life.

"Uncle, do you think I'm lying?"

Zheng Xinyue looked at Gao Yunshan with dark lines on her face. What was she thinking of? Where to follow?

"No, I, Xinyue, never lie."

Gao Yunshan was afraid of irritating Xinyue, so he quickly raised his hand to wipe the corners of his eyes and squeezed out a stiff smile to comfort his niece.

"Uncle, I will bring Changfeng over when I find time so that you can meet me and help me check it."

Zheng Xinyue stroked her forehead. No matter how she explained, it was useless. She had to let her uncle see Changfeng with his own eyes before he would believe it.

"Changfeng? Gu Changfeng?"

When Lao Lu heard Gu Changfeng's name, he looked at Zheng Xinyue with even more suspicion.

She and Cao Qiuling were old classmates. Cao Qiuling used to ask her to introduce a partner to Changfeng, especially a few days ago when she sounded very anxious and wanted to find a wife for Gu Changfeng right away.

I have met Gu Changfeng. In terms of appearance, there are few people in S County who can compare with him. In terms of status, the Gu family is one of the best in S County. In terms of ability, he is a big factory director.

Not to mention others, he slapped all the people he introduced to him, including many beauties and girls from well-off families, but he was not attracted to them. How could he want a divorced, sick woman?

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