There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 812 Always being questioned

Zheng Xinyue felt really uncomfortable when she looked at her, but because of her uncle's face, she still answered politely. new˙ɔoɯ

"Impossible, little girl, we can't develop the habit of lying. This is bad behavior."

Lao Lu could no longer bear it and lectured Zheng Xinyue with a straight face. She and Lao Gao had been colleagues for many years, and she didn't want to see his niece imitate bad behavior.

"Aunt Lu, don't worry. You won't believe anything I say now. I'll bring him over in a day or two at the latest. Am I lying? Don't you know better?"

Zheng Xinyue shook her head helplessly, how bad could her conditions be in their eyes? I feel extremely uncomfortable. I don’t blame the original owner for having low self-esteem. No one can stand being questioned all the time.

"Okay, then I have to take a look."

Lao Lu looked at Zheng Xinyue carefully and saw that the little girl's eyes were clear and she didn't look like she was crazy. Anyway, it would only be a few days. Then he would know if she was lying?

Zheng Xinyue is so depressed! She didn't want to stay in the office any longer. Under Lao Lu's suspicious glances, she almost died of suffocation.

"Uncle, take me shopping quickly. I also want to buy some delicious food for grandma."

Zheng Xinyue looked at her uncle leaving the office with a look of pity and distress.

"Xinyue, we don't have to lie like this. We are not afraid of divorce or illness. We will treat the illness. It will not be difficult to find another one based on your appearance."

After leaving the house, Gao Yunshan couldn't help but lower his voice to coax his niece, for fear that if she didn't recover from the convulsions and become mentally ill, how miserable would her sister be?

The more I think about it, the more I think Xinyue is crazy. Otherwise, why would she be able to buy so many things every time she comes here? Spending money is like running water and doesn't feel bad at all. Who is a good person who can do this?

Zheng Xinyue decided to shut up. She regretted it so much. Why did she keep saying so much?

Then she lowered her head and followed her uncle silently, but Gao Yunshan became even more worried when she remained silent. newᴄᴏᴍ

Is this a shock? Don't get sick again! In this city where you are unfamiliar with the place, it is so pitiful that no one cares about your children when they get sick.

Thinking of this, Gao Yunshan looked at Xinyue with distressed eyes and coaxed her in a low voice.

"Xinyue, don't leave. My uncle will take you back tonight."

"Uncle, no! I have to go to work in the afternoon!"

Zheng Xinyue looked at her uncle dumbfounded, why was she still being detained?


Where can a rural girl go to work? Collect some herbs and sell them on the side.

Gao Yunshan was even more certain that he suspected that Xinyue was suffering from madness. All madmen live in their own world and only think about good things.

"I work in the sugar factory, my eldest brother and second brother work in the brick factory, and the third brother works in the grain depot. We are all temporary for the time being, but the director of the brick factory and the director of the grain depot have said that we will give them the money in three months. Become a regular employee.”

Zheng Xinyue nodded and looked at her uncle with a sad face. Why didn't he believe anything she said?

In her memory, the original owner had no problem with lying. She rarely spoke, okay? It’s really strange how my uncle’s brain works!

"Xinyue! Let's not talk anymore! Let's not talk anymore."

Gao Yunshan's head drooped upon hearing this. He originally had some expectations, but Xinyue was just bragging.

But now it is certain that Xinyue is suffering from madness.

Nowadays, it is difficult for people in the city to find a job. How good is she? She and her third brother are both working, and they can still become regular workers? How can it be? This is harder than climbing to the sky.


Zheng Xinyue was about to cry but didn't have any tears, so she didn't bother to explain anymore and silently followed her uncle.

Gao Yunshan looked back at her from time to time. When he went downstairs, he was afraid that she would fall and fell backwards to catch her, so he had to patiently coax her:

"Xinyue, uncle is pulling you away."

Zheng Xinyue couldn't bear it any longer. She stood on the stairs and looked at her uncle, with deep helplessness in her clear eyes.

"Uncle, my illness has healed. You really don't have to do this. It makes me look like a child who can't walk. It's very embarrassing."

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