There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 821 Three things to do when a new official takes office

Gao Guilan raised the corner of her mouth and looked at Zheng Dashan mockingly.

"Sister-in-law, where are you going when you go to work?"

Zheng Dashan didn't notice anything in Gao Guilan's hand, and glanced at Zheng Xinyue behind her, who also had empty hands. He couldn't accuse her of stealing food, and instead questioned her about sneaking home.

"My mother is sick. I want to see her. I don't want the afternoon work points."

Gao Guilan gave him a cold look. Didn't he just want to use deduction of work points to make a point? She doesn't want it herself.

"Mom, let's go quickly! Grandma is anxious to see you! Don't keep her waiting."

Zheng Xinyue came over and held her mother's arm and said. Gao Guilan's face froze and she hurriedly looked back at her daughter.

She didn't care about anything, but she didn't want her daughter to be criticized. Zheng Xinyue patted her mother's arm and smiled comfortingly at her.

Gao Guilan also saw that her daughter had nothing in her hands, and she felt relieved, but she began to feel distressed again because she had finally broken off those corns!

Hey hey hey! ! !

"Sister-in-law, since my aunt is sick, you should go quickly. If someone has nothing to do, they won't deduct your work points."

Zheng Dashan heard that Gao Guilan's mother was sick, but the officials didn't step on the patient! Release immediately.

And he was generous enough not to deduct work points, which was considered a good purchase and eased the tense relationship between the two families.

Gao Guilan still had a cold look on her face and didn't appreciate it at all. She didn't care if it was only half a work point.

Zheng Dashan was a little embarrassed. No matter how he showed kindness, it was useless. His sister-in-law didn't give her any face, and she felt regretful! If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have given her work points.

"Thank you, uncle."

Zheng Xinyue hurriedly thanked her mother, and Zheng Dashan's expression softened a little.

When the couple returned home, Gao Guilan took her daughter into the house and asked her in a low voice:

"Where's the bag of corn!"

The corn is lost, but her coat is still there! Although the clothes had been patched twice, she didn't have many clothes to begin with, so it was better than nothing.

"Mom, I asked my ancestors to hide it. Don't worry, I'll take it out to my grandma's house."

Zheng Xinyue decided to call space her ancestor, so that it would be safer to take things out.

"Ah?" Gao Guilan was stunned for a moment.

"Last time Secretary Du came to search, it was our ancestor who hid the things. It has been secretly protecting us!"

"I will definitely cook some delicious dishes for my ancestors during the Chinese New Year."

Gao Guilan nodded and started to change clothes to go back to her parents' home.

"Mom, I brought the chicken cake back from the cafeteria. I heard from my uncle that my grandma hasn't eaten much for several days. She is so thin that she falls down when the wind blows. Let's get some white noodles and, by the way, dried noodles. My grandma took it, and at such an old age, she ate the glutinous rice powder and irritated her throat."

Zheng Xinyue was unloading things from the warehouse as she spoke. She still didn't know the specific situation of her grandma, but she just wanted the old man to eat something good.

Gao Guilan started to shed tears when her daughter said it was so serious. She didn't stop Zheng Xinyue from doing anything. In the past, she always returned to her parents' home empty-handed and returned with a full load.

"Put these in the backpack!"

Zheng Xinyue put the apples, ducks and pears under the basket, and put a dozen bundles of dried noodles and half a bag of white noodles on top of the apples. The eggs were placed on the white noodles so that they would not be broken by bumps.

After putting everything away, she saw her mother wiping her tears. Zheng Xinyue hurriedly comforted her: "Mom, don't worry, maybe grandma is just hungry! I heard that my uncle and his team have run out of food for a long time. Do you want to give it to grandma?" Get an old hen? I also have half a ginseng with me to make chicken soup for grandma to drink!"

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