There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 822 Conflict with the old lady

"Take it! Your grandma has never had ginseng chicken soup in her life! When she was a child, there were many children in the house, and your grandma would not eat anything. She kept all the delicious food for me. I am unfilial! I just ate like that!"

The more Gao Guilan thought about it, the sadder she became. While talking about my mother's difficulties, she regretted that she was selfish and didn't know how to love her!

Zheng Xinyue turned around and ran to the warehouse. She entered the space and grabbed a chubby reed chicken. She also dug up a good ginseng root, cut it in half and took it out of the space.

When I came out of the warehouse, I saw my mother standing in the sun with a basket on her back, her face, which had always been rosy, now pale and bloodless.

"Mom, let's go!"

Zheng Xinyue tied the two feet of the reed chicken with a hemp rope and hung it on the handlebar for a while. She put the ginseng in the basket, locked the door and pulled her absent-minded mother out of the village. ̶x̶.̶c̶o̶m̶

"Xinyue, what are you doing?"

The old man under the big tree saw Zheng Xinyue walking out of the village and waved hello to her. The old man was very curious and wanted to chat more with Lucky Star to gain good fortune.

"Go see my grandma."

Zheng Xinyue answered in a good-tempered manner, but she heard sighs from these old people.

"Guilan is so filial! When my girl gets married, it's like she doesn't have a mother like me. She can't be seen all year round."

"How many good things did you bring? There is a basket on your back! Gao Mama is luckier than us!"

These envious voices were gradually left behind by the mother-in-law.

"Mom, let me carry you and walk faster."

Zheng Xinyue left the village to a stable place, got on her bicycle and planned to carry her mother on her back.

"Forget it, let's go!"

Gao Guilan was distraught and anxious, wishing she could fly to her parents' home, but when she saw such a big bicycle, she felt sorry for her daughter. How could she be willing to let her carry her?

Zheng Xinyue was really unsure and was afraid that my mother would drop her, so she put the backpack she was carrying on the back seat of the car and clamped it with a car clip. Gao Guilan was supporting her from behind, and the two of them just pushed the car through dozens of miles of mountain roads. Go to the First Brigade of Baoguo Commune.

It was already evening when we arrived here. The setting sun cast a misty red gauze over the entire mountainous area. The smoke from the small mountain village was curling up. From a distance, it looked like a dynamic painting. It was peaceful and quiet, and so beautiful that it made people linger and reluctant to leave. Look away.

But neither mother nor mother was in the mood to appreciate this quiet beauty. They were already very tired after walking all the way, but when they arrived at the village, they couldn't help but speed up.

The Gao family lives in the middle of the village. The courtyard is very large, and the house is one of the best in the village. The front and rear yards add up to two acres of land. The potatoes grown in the front yard and the corn grown in the back yard are all grown without wasting any food.

The courtyard is divided into the main house and two side rooms. The old lady lives in the main house, and the two sons live in the east and west wing rooms. The layout is basically the same as that of the Zheng family.

The couple pushed the bicycle into the courtyard. They had just parked the bicycle under the window and were about to unload the backpack when they heard the old lady scolding from inside the house.

"They are all evil-hearted people. You want to see me die of illness, don't you? Guilan! Look at your cruel brother and sister-in-law. My mother is almost dying of illness and you still give me glutinous rice porridge? I can't even poop, old man. , take me away quickly! I won’t suffer here anymore.”

"Mom, no matter how good Guilan is, it's not my sister-in-law and I who are waiting in front of you? She didn't even come to see you when you were sick. You have given her so much before, and you are also heartless."

Gao Yongtai's wife was annoyed by her mother-in-law's scolding and whispered there.

"What are you mumbling about?"

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