There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 823 The powerful momentum is gone

"How dare you two pick on her? You black-hearted people didn't tell Guilan about my illness at all. Do you think I don't know how petty you are? Are you afraid that my daughter will come back to get something? Damn, what do you have at home? Got it? My daughter doesn’t care about it!"

The old lady was furious, she opened her mouth to curse, and the edge of the kang was slapped by her. ൠ

"Mom, no way! You have wronged us. Yunshan also said that he was going to find Guilan after get off work tonight!"

Gao Yunshan's wife hurriedly explained to the old lady, her voice full of grievance.

Zheng Xinyue blinked. Her grandmother's scolding voice sounded quite loud. Doesn't it look like she is too sick to get up from the bed?

Gao Guilan's face darkened when she heard the conversation in the room. She opened the door curtain aggressively and rushed into the room with wind-like steps: "Who said I won't come to see you? Mom has been sick for so many days and only informed me. What are you worried about? "

Zheng Xinyue was afraid that her mother and two aunts would fight, so she hurriedly unloaded the backpack, carried the backpack and the old reed hen and walked into the house. She blocked the mouths of the two aunts with something, so that they would not think that her mother was here to beat the autumn wind again!

As soon as I entered the door, I saw two aunts with smiling faces in front of my mother: "Guilan is here. ♦☜"

"What will happen to you if I don't come back? An unfilial daughter who doesn't even come back to see her own mother when she's sick?"

Gao Guilan snorted and glanced contemptuously at the two sisters-in-law with fake smiles on their faces.

You don’t have much ability, but you still want to overturn the world?

He said why he kept sneezing today. It turned out that these two sisters-in-law were talking bad about him behind his back. ╰╮

"Guilan, my dear daughter, you miss me so much."

When she saw her daughter coming, the old lady who had been looking up and down just now burst into tears and screamed like a baby.

Gao Guilan's two sisters-in-law looked at each other, why did they feel goosebumps all over their bodies?

Gao Guilan is already in her forties, how can the old lady say this: "My beloved?"

Have you ever called your grandchildren so affectionate?

People have to live better than others, and there is no point in being jealous. Who said that he was not born by his mother-in-law?

Not to mention the two of them, even Gao Guilan's biological sister Gao Guizhi's status in the old lady's heart is not as good as that of Gao Guilan's little finger.


Zheng Xinyue went over to help her grandma up, feeling uncomfortable in her heart. Her grandma was not so thin last time she came here! Now the wrinkles on her face are all piled up together, and her face has turned dark and lost its previous rosiness. When she was holding her up, it was all bones, which was so distressing.

"Mom, why are you feeling bad? Let's go to the hospital!" Gao Guilan saw her mother was so thin that she burst into tears. She no longer asked her two sisters-in-law to help her, and then put on her shoes and left. In the hospital, I complained to my two brothers. Why is my mother still holding on at home when she is so ill?

"Get out and cook for my daughter."

After the old lady sat up, she gave orders angrily to her two daughters-in-law. Even though she was weak, her aura was still as powerful as before.

The two daughters-in-law were so frightened that they ran out in despair. The mother-in-law was powerful enough, but with the addition of a shrewd and ruthless sister-in-law, no one could offend her.

Seeing them leaving, the old lady spoke harshly to her daughter-in-law, but looked kindly to her daughter. She took her hand and looked up and down. She was relieved when she saw that her daughter didn't look thinner at all.

The old lady held her daughter's hand and glanced at the door. When she saw that the two daughters-in-law had gone out, she suddenly lost all her symptoms. She smiled and whispered in her daughter's ear.

Good night everyone, go to bed early, I love you all~

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