There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 830 How can Gao Guilan be a deficient person?

Meizhu glanced at her reluctantly, then followed the kitchen with a pouted mouth. At a glance, she saw that in addition to the noodles for the three people in the room, there were two large bowls with a pointed top next to them. A bowl of noodles with a lot of egg foam on it!

Meizhu glanced at her aunt, pursed her lips and said nothing, then entered the house carrying a wooden pallet. Ϭ९ʂհմ×.çօʍ

"Xiaodong, Xiaojuan, come in quickly."

Behind her came the voice of the aunt greeting her two children. Meizhu's little face flushed with anger, and she bit her lower lip and walked into the east room.

"Old aunt, Sister Xinyue."

She calls out to someone first when she comes in, her voice as low as a mosquito. She has always been such a silent presence in this house, and her cowardly personality is a bit like Xinyue before.

"Eldest brother, second brother, you eat with mom, and I'll go out and take a look."

Gao Guilan noticed that Meizhu was pouting in anger, and then looked at the three bowls of noodles. There was more soup and less noodles, and the eggs had all flown away, leaving only the yolks.

A bundle of dried noodles weighs a pound and a half! The cooked noodles are enough for three or four people to have a big bowl each. Why did the sister-in-law make just this? What about fools?

"I won't eat. I'm full after eating egg custard. Xinyue eats. It's better to eat more to keep your body healthy."

The old lady looked at Xinyue curiously. She found a good husband, and her daughter would have less to worry about in the future.

"Grandma, eat more, I made this egg custard myself!"

Zheng Xinyue saw that her grandma had only eaten half of the egg custard, so she took over her mother's position and raised a spoon to feed her. ]|I{}I|[

"Grandma can't eat anymore, her stomach is full."

The old lady rubbed her stomach. She had been hungry for several days and suddenly couldn't stand it after eating too much.

"Okay, I'll save it for your next meal."

Zheng Xinyue also thought of this and put the lunch box on the Kang table. She was so busy that she was hungry now. She picked up the noodles and was about to eat them when she heard her mother's sneer coming from outside the house: "Okay! What do I mean by noodles?" The quantity is wrong! It turns out that my sister-in-law is eating alone with her two children?"

In the kitchen, Xiaojuan and Xiaodong were swallowing noodles in their mouths, regardless of how hot they were. Although there is no egg yolk, the egg white is also delicious!

Gao Guilan's sudden voice scared the two of them, and the noodle bowl fell to the ground with a clang, breaking into two pieces.

"Ah! It burned me to death."

The hot noodle soup fell a little on Xiaojuan's feet, and she screamed and jumped on the ground.

Xiaodong looked at the noodles that fell on the ground in distress and clicked his lips. It was so fragrant that he couldn't eat enough!

Gao Guilan frowned. Even though she was her niece, she still felt a little distressed. She looked at her sister-in-law who was standing next to her like she was dumbfounded and shouted:

"She's still standing there stupidly. Quickly get some cold water to ice her feet, and get some miso to put on her feet."

"oh oh!"

Only then did Qin Shuxia react and hurriedly went to fetch a basin of water. Xiaojuan was so delicate that she was crying in pain. Gao Guilan squatted on the ground with a dark face and helped her take off her shoes.

I'm so angry! The child cannot learn anything good from his sister-in-law. If he hides and eats in such a sneaky way, he will definitely be disliked when he goes to his in-laws' house.

"What's wrong?"

Gao Yunshan heard the child crying and ran out of the house in a hurry. Xiaojuan saw her father crying even harder, and Qin Shuxia took the opportunity to sue her sister-in-law.

"The children have never eaten dried noodles, so I picked out some for them to try. When the little sister came, she attacked them. Didn't this scare the children so much that they broke their bowls?"

How could Gao Guilan be such a deficient person? He immediately became angry.

"Sister-in-law, I'm not talking about you, but you're so excited! Xinyue made filial piety to her grandma, why did you leave most of Niangsan to hide and eat them secretly? Meizhu and Xiaogang are also children, why don't you take a bite? "Here, just for your own child? No wonder Mom is so hungry that she is skin and bones, and you hide all the delicious food and eat it alone?"

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