There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 831 Get out of here if you do it again

Gao Guilan put a big hat on her, and Qin Shuxia's face turned blue and white after being scolded by her sister-in-law. She glanced at her husband secretly, hoping that he would speak for her. ╰╮

Gao Yunshan felt sorry for his daughter, but he was even more angry at his wife's petty attitude. It would be fine if you left the noodles for the four children, but you only gave them to your own children and not to Meizhu and Xiaogang. Wouldn't this create conflict between the two brothers?

Besides, the noodles, which are so valuable, should be kept for mom. She is sick now!

My sister was right. The noodles were made by Xinyue as a filial piety to her grandma. She, the aunt, took her children to eat them secretly and slapped herself in the face.

"Stop crying, it's time."

Gao Yunshan was angry, and he became even more angry when he saw his daughter grabbing his arm. How could an eighteen-year-old girl still be greedy for food?

What a woman fears most is being greedy, and she will be looked down upon in her husband's house. §§

Xiaojuan was usually very squeamish, and when a few red spots were burned on her instep, she felt excruciating pain. She thought her father would help her vent her anger, but in the end, he was scolded, and she cried even more sadly.

"Why are you howling? I'm not dead yet! They are all evil-hearted things. This damn girl cries all day long, and her good days are ruined by her howling. Find someone to marry as soon as possible, so as not to make people angry at home! "

The old lady usually looks down on the selfishness of the eldest daughter-in-law. She knows everything good, and all the children she teaches imitate her. When she hears the noise in the kitchen, she angrily slaps the kang table and curses!

"Boss, take care of your wife. She hides and eats the dead fat she raised when she has nothing to do. She starves me to death. I don't dare to talk about the food at home. She doesn't even eat the good things my granddaughter brought me. Grab it, oh! I can’t live anymore! Old man! You left early, leaving me alone as an old woman to raise four children, and I will have to be abused as I grow old!”

When the old lady got angry, Xiaojuan didn't dare to cry anymore. She bit her lip and sobbed in frustration.

Seeing that Gao Yunshan had made his mother angry, he became even more angry. He scolded Xiaojuan with a stern face and angrily:

"Go back to the house, don't go out to eat at night!"

"You too, go back to the house!"

After scolding her, her daughter saw her son staring at the noodles on the ground and swallowing his saliva. His greedy look made Gao Yunshan furious.

How come none of his children are as ambitious as him? After driving his son away, he vomited a breath, glared at his wife fiercely, and said hateful words to her:

"Get out of here if you do it again!"

Qin Shuxia was so frightened that she didn't dare to say a word. She honestly took a broom and a rub to clean up the broken bowls and noodles on the floor.

Jiang Ruhua looked on with cold eyes and was already furious. Who doesn't want to try something good? My sister-in-law has gone too far. If she doesn’t want to eat, the child must get a bite, right?

"Brother, education is the main issue. Who dares to eat in the kitchen in my family? It's my right to share the food at the table. If I don't give it to them, they have to wait. There is no rule without rules. You really have to take care of it. If the two children, especially Xiaojuan, behave like this when they get married, my mother-in-law will definitely look down on them."

Gao Guilan was working on the side, remembering what her sister-in-law said to her mother before! This is eating the old lady's dried noodles again. Is it okay if I don't clean it up for her? Are you not allowed to ride on the old lady’s neck to urinate in the future?

"You still have the nerve to say that? Your daughter is well-educated, so why are you being kicked back to her parents' home after getting married?"

Qin Shuxia didn't dare to say this, she only dared to think in her heart, now Gao Guilan can say whatever he wants and just look past what is happening in front of him.

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