There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 832 His face is as black as the bottom of a pot

Mrs. Gao asked Zheng Xinyue to help her out. When she saw the noodles spilled on the ground, the old lady grabbed her clothes, and the wrinkles on her distressed face were squeezed together.

Those are noodles! Made of white flour, one bite would kill a person. She had never eaten refined grains more than once in her life.

It was finally possible to eat it with the help of my granddaughter. It was a gift from Xinyue's husband's family. The eldest daughter-in-law was simply lawless. Guilan and Xinyue hadn't left yet! She started eating secretly? It seems that she is pretending to be ill and not doing anything these days. Qin Shuxia thinks that she is the god of the Gao family and can do whatever she wants!

Jiang Ruhua saw her mother-in-law coming out. Thinking of what her sister-in-law had done these days, she felt very resentful towards Qin Shuxia. She came over and said in a strange voice:

"Sister-in-law, you did something wrong. No matter how greedy you are, you can't steal the fine grains that my sister-in-law brought for my mother. One pound of dried noodles can be exchanged for three pounds of corn noodles!"

She was literally adding fuel to the fire. When the old lady heard this, she became even more angry. She stamped her feet and ordered her son to take care of his wife.

"Boss, teach your wife a lesson. She's been dying these days since I've been sick. She's been discovered. If she hadn't been discovered, she would have eaten so many things! We didn't need to eat wild vegetable porridge at home before, but now it's all clear. After all, did she hide all the food and try to get it for her parents?"

"Mom, I am wronged. The children were hungry for noodles today, so I just picked out some. The family has enough food, but of course they eat less and less."

When Qin Shuxia saw her husband's sleeves rolled up, she immediately begged for mercy like the old lady, not forgetting to defend herself.

"You fart, I've only been lying down for a few days, do you think I'm an old fool? Do I still know how much food we have at home and how long it will last?"

When the old lady saw that she was still quibbling, she scolded her on the spot. She had been pretending to be sick these days. It was obvious that the eldest daughter-in-law was just trying to cope with serving him. If she secretly ate noodles today, the delicious ones the eldest brother brought back would definitely be eaten. She hid it privately.

"Boss, look through the cabinets in your room to see if this evil person has hidden something secretly again?"

The old lady immediately issued an order to her son. Qin Shuxia's expression immediately changed and she looked at her husband nervously. She knew what she had done. Taking advantage of the fact that the old lady was sick these days, she had no chance to get the key. thing! Will she be able to survive if this is discovered?

Qin Shuxia looked at her husband pitifully, hoping that he would not say anything even if he found it!

Gao Yunshan glared at his wife fiercely. With Xinyue here, he didn't want to beat her, but his heart felt like a volcano! Qin Shuxia would not be able to escape the beating sooner or later.

Therefore, Qin Shuxia pretended to be pitiful and looked at him to no avail. He was also holding back his anger.

As a sister-in-law, I can't keep a bowl of water in balance. Can this family be united if I am selfish?

Gao Yunshan went out with a sullen face and returned to his room full of anger.

In the room, Xiaojuan was sitting on the kang and shedding tears of grievance! Xiaodong smacked his lips carelessly, savoring the aroma of the noodles.

Being hooked by the glutton, he also forgot about his mother's instructions. He opened the cabinet and took out the trough cake hidden in the corner of the cabinet and took a big bite of it. He squinted his eyes and looked satisfied. It was good to have trough cake without noodles.

Mom hid this secretly, and dad didn't even know.

"Give me some."

Xiaojuan's instep hurt, but when she smelled the sweet smell of the cake, she didn't care about the pain in her foot and reached out to ask for it from her brother.

End of update, good night, thank you for your concern, don't stay up late, your health is important.

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