There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 833 A big hamster appears in the house

Xiaodong raised his hands high and was angry with his sister while eating.

Xiaojuan was so angry that she forgot about the pain in her feet. She jumped up and started fighting with her brother: "Give me a piece."


"I'll get it myself!"

"Don't take it, mom left this for me."

As soon as Gao Yunshan entered the door, he saw the two siblings fighting each other for some food. He immediately became angry and picked up the broom on the kang and hit the two sisters head-on.

"I made you useless."

"Mom, help!"

"My dad beat me. New"

Xiaodong and Xiaojuan jumped on the kang and dodged the brooms, but they still couldn't escape. They received several blows on their bodies, and they screamed in pain and called their mother for help.

Qin Shuxia loved her child, and hearing her son's cry was like tugging at her heart. But her mother-in-law was staring at her, and she didn't dare to go out and pull Gao Yunshan, rubbing her feet anxiously in the house.

After a while, Gao Yunshan returned, his face as dark as the bottom of a pot, and carrying two full bags in his hands.

Qin Haixia's expression suddenly changed. She peeked at her mother-in-law with a guilty conscience, and was already thinking quickly about how to explain herself.

Mrs. Gao asked her son to pour out everything in the net bag. What he saw was a small bag of corn noodles, more than a pound of white flour, five eggs, and the cakes and jujubes that the boss had bought for her these days. Brown sugar, white sugar, chestnuts, and even a large bag of malted milk wrapped in oil paper.

Mrs. Gao's face grew darker and darker as she looked at her, and she glared at Qin Shuxia fiercely. Qin Shuxia was so frightened that she started to tremble with cold sweat on her back. There was no way she could get away with it today.

I can only insist that it was left for Xiaodong. The old lady loves her grandson, so it shouldn’t be too difficult for herself and

"Ha, sister-in-law, I asked you why our food is getting worse and worse. It turns out that there is a big mouse in the house! So much has been stolen in a few days? Tsk, tsk, I asked why there are more and more porridge and wild vegetables in the bowl. Food It’s getting less and less. You’ve been hiding it for a long time! Sister-in-law, this is wrong. I earn work points just like you. Yongtai works like my elder brother. You hide all the good things and go home to honor your mother. Let your mother-in-law and Children are eating noodles, which is too much."

Jiang Ruhua's eyes almost popped out of his sockets after seeing so many good things. Now they are not separated! These things belong to the whole family, not just Qin Haixia.

Since she was ruthless, Jiang Ruhua didn't tolerate her, and fanned the flames with a sneer on her lips.

"Sister-in-law, you are going too far! You are giving my mother rice noodles because you are afraid that she will die too slowly and affect your occupation of Lao Gao's house, right?"

Gao Guilan deeply hates this kind of selfish behavior. The eldest daughter-in-law of her family is an example. If nothing else, she will never let Qin Haixia go easily when it comes to my mother's problems. Otherwise, if her eldest brother is not at home at work every day, if her mother is old, I'm paralyzed, so I can't be bullied to death by my sister-in-law?

"Mom, I really didn't want to take it to my parents' house. It's just that Xiaodong is growing. I'm afraid he won't be able to eat enough to grow up, so I left some food for him."

Qin Haixia was angry at her sister-in-law and brother-in-law for adding fuel to the fire. The old lady was angry at the sight. Are they still talking? But at this moment, she didn't dare to fight with them. She could only avoid the important matter and use her son as an excuse, and went to the old lady's side to pretend to be aggrieved.

Old Mrs. Gao looked at her eldest daughter-in-law with a gloomy look. Did she really think she was old and confused? Was she so easy to fool?

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