There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 844 Likes to gloat over misfortune

While the ladies in the room were talking, they heard exaggerated laughter outside. Before anyone entered the room, the sound came in first. ♦♢

Gao Guilan raised her eyebrows when she heard this voice. Isn't this her good sister?

Gao MaMa gave birth to six children in her life. Due to poor conditions, she lost two of them, leaving two boys and two girls.

Gao Guilan is the fourth child, and her personality is most like her mother.

This Gao Guizhi is only one year older than Gao Guilan, and he doesn't know who his personality is like? She is very calculating and always wants to go back to her parents' home to enjoy the autumn breeze. However, Gao's mother doesn't like her and she never gets any advantage every time she comes.

Even if Gao Guilan didn't want anything, the old lady wouldn't give it to her.

Therefore, although they are biological sisters, they do not feel close to each other. Gao Guizhi always compares himself with his younger sister and is always jealous of her.

Zheng Xinyue frowned. She had some impression of this aunt and she especially liked to gloat about others' misfortunes.

When the original owner got sick, others comforted her mother, but this aunt was so good that she specially carried her healthy daughter to Zheng's house and rushed to the door, praising her daughter for being smart and cute, and adding salt to her mother's wounds.

Zheng Xinyue vaguely remembered that her mother beat her away with a big broom.

It has been almost eight years, and the two families have not moved around, as if they have lost all relatives.

When we met at grandma's house, her mother always pointed her nose at her, and the two sisters hardly spoke.

"Hey, brother, why are you crying like this? I heard my sister-in-law calling for help at the entrance of the village. ♡"

Gao Guizhi entered the hospital and saw her eldest brother coming out of the east wing. Her sister-in-law's mournful cries could be heard in the room. She gloated and asked.

"Guizhi is here?"

Gao Yunshan didn't like this sister either. She was married to a city man who worked in a carbon black factory and was paid every month, but she cried about poverty every time she went back to her parents' home.

Almost every two months, I go to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy things and pay for myself.

If you take the initiative to help someone, you are willing to do so, but it is uncomfortable to be coerced into asking for money.

"Brother, why aren't you happy that I'm here?"

Gao Guizhi liked to find fault with others, and when she saw that her elder brother didn't have a smile on his face, he immediately became unhappy.


Gao Guizhi was accompanied by her second daughter, Cui Yanhong. She was thin and frail, with fair skin, big eyes and a high nose. The only drawback was her big mouth, so she usually kept her mouth pursed as much as possible and paid special attention when speaking.

To say that Gao Guizhi was determined but unwilling to obey her destiny, Gao Guilan had to give birth to three sons in a row before she got a precious daughter named Xinyue.

Where is Gao Guizhi! She gave birth to four daughters in a row but no son was born. Her husband's family was always unhappy with her because of this matter. She was already forty-four years old and pregnant with her fifth child. She would not give up until she gave birth to a son.

This was one of the reasons why she was jealous of Gao Guilan. In her mother's family, she always suppressed her. She was more capable than she was, she was better at coaxing her mother than she was, and she was better at fighting than she was.

After getting married, she kept giving birth to sons, and she kept giving birth to daughters.

At her husband's house, her mother-in-law sarcastically said more than once that it was her younger sister who was originally chosen, but she shamelessly came by herself, causing the Cui family to become extinct.

Gao Yunshan frowned. He was already annoyed that Gao Guizhi was being so arrogant, so he didn't bother to answer. He snorted with a cold face, stepped into the house, and left the two of them in the yard.

"Guizhi is here?"

Gao Yongtai just came back from the brigade. Now he is very busy with autumn harvest accounting. When he saw Gao Guizhi when he entered the door, he knew that it was autumn again, and he said hello to her lightly.

Gao Guizhi felt a little uncomfortable. The attitude of her two brothers when she returned to her parents' home was so kind! Why are you so cold?

Cui Yanhong secretly tugged on her mother's clothes. She had a mission this time, so she didn't want to annoy her two uncles just by coming.

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