There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 845 Speaking as if a light has been turned on

After being pulled by her daughter, Gao Guizhi realized what she was doing. Then she stopped trying to find trouble with her brothers and walked into the house, shouting loudly. ♦♢

In the room, Mrs. Gao was very busy. She sent Xinyue to lean against the door, and she pulled Gao Guilan to put the things back into the cabinet one by one.

"Hurry up, the locusts are back and they won't leave any grass behind."

The old lady was hiding something and muttering to herself.

Zheng Xinyue opened the door and looked at her grandma funny. She was so busy, how could she still be a little sick?

Comparing her daughter to a locust shows that she, the third aunt, has gone too far.

"Mom, I'm here, why don't you open the door for me?"

Just when Zheng Xinyue was thinking about her grandma's completely different attitude towards her mother and third aunt, Gao Guizhi came to the door. She stretched out her hand to push the door but it didn't open. Suddenly her eyebrows knitted into knots and she shouted dissatisfied into the room.

"Wait, I'm changing my pants!"

Mrs. Gao didn't even need to make a draft when she lied. She shouted while hiding the things. After everything was hidden, the kang cabinet could hardly be closed. She also wanted to stuff the reed chicken in it.

"No need for this. I think she has the nerve to ask for it?"

Gao Guilan was holding her breath! I have been suffocated to death for the past eight years, but today I can feel proud. Not only are the old hens not allowed to be released, but eggs and ginseng are also not allowed to be hidden.

She wanted to see how Gao Guizhi had the nerve to ask for the things Xinyue gave her grandma?

"Xinyue, open the door." Gao Guilan rolled up her sleeves and entered a state of war preparation, commanding her daughter majestically.

"Hey, why are you keeping the door closed? The little sister has been making trouble for a long time. Isn't there food at home? Mom has already brought you some good things. My sister-in-law will be beaten when you come. Guilan is not me. Speaking of you, we, as daughters, should be more honest when we return to our parents' home. You were nosy when you were not married. Now that you are married, don't make it difficult for our mother and brother."

Gao Guizhi started to use her sharp tongue as soon as she entered the door, but she only dared to hide outside the door and talk, keeping a certain distance from Gao Guilan.

The beating with the broom last time made her run away with her head in her arms, and she still has lingering fears!

"Hey, who do I think you are! It turns out to be the third sister! Now I'm pregnant again, and the shape of my belly looks like that of a girl. I said don't bother. No matter how many babies you have, you won't be the first one. , I told you that your son was dead, but you still don’t believe it. I’m worried about you. You’re in your forties and you’re still giving birth to a child! I heard that all the children of your eldest daughter’s family are running around. You If you give birth to a little one now, your granddaughter will hate you so much that she calls you aunt even though she is younger than you!"

Gao Guilan sneered and flicked her hard fingernails loudly. When it came to talking skills, her sister had to be inferior.


Gao Guizhi's face turned pale with anger. She was most afraid of people saying that she was carrying a girl, but her sister kept insisting that she was carrying a daughter.

What bothered her the most was that her younger sister seemed to be enlightened when she spoke, and it worked every time. When she got pregnant, she said she was a daughter, and she would definitely not be the one to take care of her when she was born.

"Okay, what's going on with you two sisters? Are you going to pinch each other when we meet? They are sisters as if they are one person, but you seem to have been enemies in the previous life."

Old Mrs. Gao couldn't stand it any longer and scolded them both with a frown. Both girls were as fierce as her.

Gao Guizhi couldn't resist Gao Guilan and turned to his mother to complain.

"Mom, look how ugly my little sister is. Isn't she deliberately cursing me so that I can't have a son? Why don't you talk about her?"

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