There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 853 Good men are praised

Gao Guizhi stared at Gu Changfeng with calculating eyes. Cui Yanhong had the same thoughts as her mother and raised her chin slightly. Zheng Xinyue, a convulsive ghost, only deserves to marry that wretched old man. How can she be worthy of such a spirited man?

Zheng Xinyue looked at Gu Changfeng with a smile. He, who was always taciturn, had a lot to say at critical moments! The person who said it felt warm in his heart.

Feeling Xinyue's gaze, Gu Changfeng turned his head slightly and raised his eyebrows at her, smiling, and asked her with his eyes:

"How is it? Are you satisfied?"

"Very satisfied."

Zheng Xinyue's smile was as bright as a flower, and she no longer hesitated to praise him this time. Good men are praised.

"Changfeng, are you here to pick up Xinyue?"

Gao Guilan proudly glanced at Gao Guizhi who was full of envy, and deliberately asked her future uncle loudly, interrupting the flirting between him and Xinyue.

This is a good time to grow up. If you want to return home lovingly, the most important thing is to first make the mother and daughter lose their love.

"I'm mainly here to visit grandma, get to know her family, and take you and Xinyue back."

Gu Changfeng was not stupid. He cooperated fully to save the mother-in-law's face and answered with a smile.

"That's right. You and Xinyue are both engaged. You need to get to know your grandma's family. I'll introduce you to you. You already know your uncle, so I won't introduce you much. Your second uncle works as an accountant in the brigade. This is your job. Second aunt, your eldest aunt has something to do and I won’t be able to see you for the time being, but you will definitely see her when she gets married.”

Gao Guilan introduced her family members in a high-profile manner. Jiang Ruhua was shocked by Gu Changfeng's generosity. She wiped her hands on her pants with a embarrassed look on her face.

The only big shot Gao Yongtai had ever met was the commune secretary. He felt that his future nephew had a stronger aura than the commune secretary. However, he still managed to keep his composure and nodded to Gu Changfeng with a smile:

"Welcome, let's eat at home tonight! Can I ask your second aunt to cook something delicious?"

"Yes, yes, how can the new uncle not eat when he comes to visit? The second brother's family went to kill the old hen and fry a plate of eggs. By the way, Xinyue brought a pound of noodles to entertain my grandson. "

Old Mrs. Gao fell in love with this polite and handsome young man at a glance. His smile made all the wrinkles on his face look like brilliant chrysanthemums. He pointed at the old hen on the ground. When his uncle comes, he must treat him well to keep the old girl and Xinyue in good graces.

When she was so happy, she forgot that there was a locust daughter there! As he spoke, he stood up and opened the full kang cupboard to take out some noodles.

Gao Guizhi's eyes widened when she saw the cabinet full of good things. No, she must live in her parents' house until she is born. With so many delicious food, she will definitely give birth to a son.

Cui Yanhong saw that her mother only had food in her eyes, so she went over anxiously and pushed her.

The aunt was introduced to everyone in the room, but she and the mother-in-law were left alone and were not introduced at all.

As a grown-up girl, she was too embarrassed to take the initiative to talk to Gu Changfeng, so her mother had to step in.

Sensing her daughter's wolf-like gaze, Mrs. Gao took out the noodles and hurriedly closed the cabinet lid. She turned around and glared at Gao Guizhi fiercely before handing the noodles to her second daughter-in-law, not forgetting to lower her voice and threaten her:

"Remember your sister-in-law's lesson."

Jiang Ruhua's expression changed. Of course she knew what her mother-in-law was referring to? The little thought I had just now was nipped in the bud by my mother-in-law.

However, this little food is nothing. Xinyue has found this good partner and will find an opportunity to let him play Yongtai and let him go to work in the city.

"Yongtai, help me kill the chicken."

With this idea in mind, Jiang Ruhua took her husband out so that she could give him guidance on how to treat Gu Changfeng well.

Gao Guilan was satisfied that her mother-in-law's family was protecting her face, so she asked Gu Changfeng to sit down. The look she gave her was that of an old mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, and the more she looked at her, the more curious she became.

"Guilan, you are wrong. Xinyue's partner is here and you have introduced her to everyone in the room. Why don't you introduce her to me?"

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