There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 854 Why is this style wrong?

Gao Guizhi's voice sounded at an inappropriate time, in a completely provocative tone, and she stared at Gu Changfeng like a wolf staring at flesh. ↤↤↤↤↤↦↦↦↦↦

This is a cash cow and must be captured.

"Hmph, what's the point of introducing something that's not human? Changfeng, don't pay attention to her."

Gao Guilan snorted coldly and said nothing to save the third sister's face. She said that she was not a human being, so she dared to bury Tai Xinyue? This is Changfeng coming, otherwise he wouldn't be able to kill her.

As soon as Gao Guizhi spoke, Gu Changfeng could tell that this was the woman who had just reduced Xinyue to dust.

She actually dared to introduce an old man to Xinyue and said that she was only worthy of finding such a man?

It's better not to have such relatives. ░▒▓██▓▒░

Gao Guizhi was so embarrassed by Gao Guilan that she almost got angry with her. Cui Yanhong hurriedly pulled her clothes. At this time, she could only show weakness and not be strong.

My aunt really beat my mother in front of this man. Will he be able to respect her in the future?

She was afraid that she would have to pretend not to know him even when they met, which would be detrimental to her future plans.

Gao Guizhi gritted his teeth in hatred at the arrogant look in his little sister's eyes, swallowed the suffocating breath, and looked at Gu Changfeng with a smile on his face, "If you don't introduce me, I will introduce myself to you."

After all, I am also Xinyue's third aunt, so I don't believe that this guy doesn't give me face.

"Hello! I am Xinyue's third aunt. I have loved her the most since she was a child. I am so happy to see her find such a good partner like you!"

Gao Guizhi pretended to wipe her tears while talking, as if she was crying with joy, as if she really cared about Zheng Xinyue!

I thought that Gu Changfeng would respectfully call her third aunt, but I didn't expect that he not only didn't shout, but also didn't show respect, but looked at me coldly and with chills all over his body.

The oppressive low pressure made Gao Guizhi's heart suddenly sink. The style of this painting was wrong! This man was smiling and talking to everyone in the room just now. Why was he looking at me so cautiously?

"I remember your voice. I just heard you say outside the window that Xinyue only deserves an old man? Xinyue is a priceless treasure in my heart. What qualifications do you have to belittle her?"

Gu Changfeng's cold expression was not something he called casually. The coldness in his downcast face could freeze people to death. His silence without saying a word had already caused a huge sense of oppression.

What's more, he didn't show any mercy to Gao Guizhi. His deep voice had no ups and downs, but it was as cold as a sharp sword, making people unable to resist.

Gao Guizhi felt as if he was being crushed by Mount Tai when he stared at her like this, and she couldn't breathe smoothly.

The flattering smile on her face was frozen, and she was so embarrassed that she didn't know what to say.

Especially when he said that Zheng Xinyue was a priceless treasure in his heart, it was so heartbreaking!

Zheng Xinyue, who in her eyes was inferior to a chicken and a duck, was treated as a treasure by such an outstanding man. This was a slap in the face to her in public.

My heart was even more jealous, and the only thing I could do to suppress my little sister was gone.

Where can I find a better uncle than this man? Can't find it at all?

Gao Guilan felt extremely happy, as if she had never been so happy in her entire life. Even the joy of celebrating the New Year and marrying a daughter-in-law could not compare to the joy of singing as a turned serf at this moment.

"Did you hear that? Don't take advantage of my uncle, Changfeng. Don't pay attention to her. She's a scumbag and you can't get rid of her."

When Gao Guizhi was choked to death, Gao Guilan came over and stepped on her hard.

Gao Guizhi's angry hand grabbed his collar, and he almost passed away before he could even breathe.

Cui Yanhong frowned on the side. Mom had offended her aunt so badly. Fortunately, she didn't say anything too extreme just now.

Auntie and Zheng Xinyue should be able to give her some face, right?

Good night

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