There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 857 If it doesn’t work well, it will kill two people.

The two brothers hurriedly ran into the house when they heard something was wrong. Inside, Jiang Ruhua looked at Gao Guizhi and her daughter with disdain. ☜

These two women are still from the city! While they were out seeing off Xinyue and her partner, they actually stole the ginseng that Xinyue gave to the old lady.

Not to mention, even the canned meat that Xinyue's partner gave to the old lady was taken away. The two bags of milk powder were so valuable that she didn't let them go. Those were given to Xinyue's partner. Can the old lady not be anxious?

The snack bag was torn open, and most of the cake inside had been eaten by the two women. It made me feel sad just thinking about it. It was a cake made of white flour mixed with sugar. One bite would make you feel sweet in your mouth for a long time.

If these two women ate most of the package, how much would it cost? The third sister-in-law is much thicker-skinned than Gao Guilan.

It was Gao Guilan's mother-in-law's preference that she kept all the delicious food for her, and she never reached out to steal it herself.

These two ladies treat themselves as guests! No, he's not a guest, he's a thief.

She suddenly felt a little gloating about her misfortune. She and her children couldn't even eat a bite. Gao Guizhi even ate and stole. He really wanted to see what her mother-in-law would do to them.

After all, Gao Guizhi is pregnant! The belly is so big that it’s hard to beat. It’s probably because the thing was fed to a white-eyed wolf and never came back.

But what surprised her was that her mother-in-law didn't tolerate these two people at all. She took a broom and swept it hard at Gao Guizhi's shoulders without showing any signs of distress.

Interesting! She took her children to watch the show, hoping that her mother-in-law would kill this little girl who always went back to her parents' home to play in the autumn wind. ♢♦

"Mom, don't fight! I'm pregnant! I haven't eaten enough for several days. I only ate a few pieces of cake when I couldn't bear it. You're too old to eat ginseng, which can easily cause internal heat and stroke. Why don't you give it to me in exchange for money and keep it?" Baby, the doctor said it’s dangerous to have a baby at my age, oh, mom, mom, stop fighting.”

Gao Guizhi grabbed the quilt to block the broom, begging for mercy, but refused to hand over the ginseng, and said it as if it was for the sake of the old lady.

Zheng Xinyue, that dead girl, can't be counted on. If she doesn't take the ginseng back and exchange it for some money, Yanhong will be arrested to pay the bills.

"I don't care about you. If your married daughter throws water, go to your husband's family to give birth to a child. Xinyue is a filial piety to me. I can't eat the ginseng, but I'm happy to see it. Why do I give you such a wolf-hearted thing? I raise a pig. You can still make me eat meat! You come back to steal things after feeding you? Aren't you from the city? You are paid to eat public food, and you go back to your parents' house to empty things? Hand it over to me quickly, or I will beat you to death today."

Mrs. Gao was scolding and beating her at the same time. At first, she was concerned about Gao Guizhi's stomach, but only frightened her and hit her twice without exerting much force. After hearing her rogue tone, she didn't care about her! The broom fell like raindrops.

Cui Yanhong still had a half-eaten trough cake in her mouth. It was so delicious that she couldn't stop eating it.

The ginseng is hidden in her pocket! Seeing her mother being beaten, she started to pull her grandma away as well. It could be seen that her grandma would not give up until she got the ginseng, so she did not dare to stay any longer.

This was a matter of her whole life. She felt sorry for her grandma and mother, so she jumped off her shoes and wanted to run away.

Jiang Ruhua, who was watching the excitement, saw this and rushed over with her daughter. One of them grabbed one of her arms and yelled at her without letting go.

"Don't leave, hand over your things."

"Not here, really not."

Cui Yanhong struggled desperately, her face turned pale with fright, and she kept shouting.

"Big brother, second brother, help! I have a stomachache and my mother had me aborted."

Over there, Gao Guizhi was dodging the broom and shouting for help. If he didn't tell the truth, his things would have to be handed over.

"Mom, Mom, calm down."

Gao Yunshan and Gao Yongtai rushed into the house. Normally, they wouldn't care if their mother hit Gao Guizhi, but now they would kill two people, so they couldn't care less!

Cui Yanhong took the opportunity to break free from her second aunt's hand and ran out the door.

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