There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 858 Why do you take advantage of people with foreign surnames?

Seeing this, Xiaojuan grabbed Cui Yanhong's two braids and pulled them towards her arms. Cui Yanhong screamed in pain and protected her hair with both hands. She couldn't run away anymore. When she turned around, she saw that it was Xiao Juan. Juan arrest her? Cui Yanhong's eyes flashed with cruelty, a smelly rural girl dared to block her way. New 𝗑.𝖼𝗈𝗆

She raised her hand and gouged out Xiaojuan's eyes. She was ruthless enough in this regard. After all, they were cousins. A few slaps or a few kicks were all it took. But even men couldn't do it by buttoning her eyes. .

Xiaojuan was so frightened when she saw the fingers grabbing at her that she quickly turned her head away, but her face was scratched with a long bloody mark. She screamed in pain, covered her face with her hands, and began to cry.

"Mom, Mom, Cui Yanhong tickled me."

Gao Yunshan was stunned when he heard his daughter's cry. He turned around and saw blood on the child's face, and he immediately became angry. ♗

Xiaojuan is seventeen years old, and it’s time for her to marry her husband during the Chinese New Year. Wouldn’t the disfigurement at this time ruin the child’s life?

Gao Yunshan was angry and didn't hold his mother back at the moment. He let her go and beat Gao Guizhi. He had never seen such a sister. She always carried her head on one shoulder when she came home. She didn't take anything else with her. What did she see when she came back to eat? What are you robbing, just like the bearded bandits of the past.

Cui Yanhong lost her restraints and ran away towards the door.

Jiang Ruhua felt sorry for canned meat, ginseng, and milk powder. These were good things. Even if he couldn't eat them, how could he still get a bite of them when making ginseng soup? Why should he take advantage of people with foreign surnames?

She chased after her. Qin Shuxia, who was beaten in the east wing, heard her daughter's cries and rushed out of the house, just in time to block Cui Yanhong who ran out of the house.

She was holding her breath after being beaten violently by her husband, and then heard her daughter's cries. Could she still be polite to Cui Yanhong?

Grabbing Cui Yanhong's hair, the old women from the countryside could not fight like a little girl from the city.

She grabbed her hair and put it down. She straddled her body and moved her hands left and right. Cui Yanhong was so frightened that she hurriedly covered her face, but her hands could not avoid her aunt's sharp claws. She screamed "Daddy" when she was scratched.

"Damn girl, I let you bully my daughter."

Seeing that she hadn't scratched her face, Qin Shuxia grabbed her hair and banged her on the ground, making Cui Yanhong dizzy and her vision turned black, but she still refused to let go.

Unable to scratch her face, Qin Shuxia scratched her neck instead. Her hands were as fast as lightning, and her hands were full of blood. Cui Yanhong suddenly stood up in pain, and she pushed her aunt to the ground with a rush of energy. , she didn’t care about revenge anymore, got up and ran away.

Jiang Ruhua was holding her arms and watching the excitement. Let's beat it. It's better to hit a dog's head with a human head!

"Don't run, I can't kill you."

Qin Shuxia refused to let Cui Yanhong go and ran after her.

Jiang Ruhua's sharp eyes saw something on the ground under the moonlight. She walked over calmly, picked it up, took it back to her room and hid it.

Then I quickly returned to the main room and saw my mother-in-law already panting from exhaustion, holding a broom in her hand and pointing at Gao Guizhi to scold her!

"Take it out for me quickly, or I'll beat you to death today."

Gao Guizhi was sobbing and her whole body ached. Mom was really willing to do something. Isn't it just to order some food? Isn’t it just half a ginseng root? What can I do if I help myself once?


The old lady seemed to suddenly remember something, and hurriedly got up and rummaged through the cabinet. Her money was hidden in the kang cabinet.

Jiang Ruhua blinked and watched her mother-in-law rummaging through the boxes anxiously. There were so many good things! If you can't finish the meal and feed the bugs, your mother-in-law won't tell them to share some with them?

Good night~

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