There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 868 She is bound to win today

Zheng Xinyue lowered her face and sounded a little cold. This was the first time Qin Liang saw Zheng Xinyue change her face and rubbed her hands in embarrassment. He acted like a good person, but he was not a human being inside and out. ♦♛

Seeing Zheng Xinyue entering the room with a cold face, he had to leave the cafeteria without helping to call people out. He had to tell the girl not to let her wait any longer and find other ways to borrow money.

Cui Yanhong's neck almost stretched out at the entrance of the sugar factory. She was walking back and forth, anxious.

She is bound to win today. As long as Gu Changfeng comes out, she will cry or beg to coax the money out.

I don’t believe that my third aunt is hospitalized, and a big factory director has the nerve not to pay for it?

The guard, Lao Li, looked at her with disdain. Why is this girl so annoying?

Factory Director Gu already has a partner, she still wants to post it? Depraved moral character is not a good thing.

Feeling contemptuous in his heart, the old man was rude and went straight out to chase them away: "I say, girl, there are so many good guys. Don't always worry about other people's men. Save your face and leave quickly."

Cui Yanhong was so scolded by the old man that she blushed. She wanted to argue that she was a relative of Gu Changfeng, but Zheng Xinyue had already confessed that she did not know her, and the old man would not believe it.

Not to mention the embarrassment of a grown girl being pointed at her nose and told that she is immoral.

But even so, she couldn't bear to leave.

Half for the money, half for the people.

Who doesn’t want to find a man who is rich, capable, and handsome.

"If I had a daughter like you in my family, I would have to beat her to death. Why are you so shameless? Director Gu's target is a hundred times better than you. Even if you go up to the factory director, he won't want you."

When Lao Li saw that she was still not leaving, his words became even more unpleasant.

The older generation is more orthodox, and the most despised thing is an unorthodox girl.

"Uncle, why do you say that about me? Would I make fun of my mother's life? Wuwu, she is having a difficult delivery in the hospital, and the doctor won't let her stay in the hospital if she doesn't have money. I'm here to borrow money! Wuwu~"

Cui Yanhong couldn't bear the scolding anymore, so she started crying, feeling really wronged. Why should she, a city girl, have to live worse than a second-hand commodity from the countryside?

Zheng Xinyue, that convulsive ghost, only deserves that old man, so she should find a factory director like Gu Changfeng to be a happy factory director's wife.

"Girl, Director Gu said"

Qin Liang ran out in a hurry, thinking about what to say to the girl! As a result, Cui Yanhong burst into tears as soon as she came out. Qin Liang has a sympathetic character and Gu Changfeng couldn't say anything without acknowledging that she was a relative.

"Where's Factory Director Gu?"

Hearing Qin Liang's voice, Cui Yanhong looked behind him anxiously. Disappointment flashed in her eyes. He didn't come?

"The factory director has something to do and can't come!"

Qin Lei frowned, but he couldn't bear to say that Gu Changfeng refused to see her.

"What should I do? If I don't have money, my mother will be kicked out of the hospital, and the little brother in her belly will not survive."

Cui Yanhong was angry and anxious, and she cried even more sadly. Qin Liang clicked her tongue. This woman cried like water, and those who watched her felt anxious.

The guard, Lao Li, lost his disdain and looked at Cui Yanhong dubiously. Seeing how miserable she was crying, it didn't look like it was fake!

"Let's do this! I'll go with you to see it."

Qin Liang couldn't bear to be cried so much that he decided to go all out and do a good deed for the factory director so that he could take a look and find out if this girl was faking it.

"Okay, thank you." Although Cui Yanhong was disappointed, if Qin Liang was willing to go, she would be able to coax money from him.

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