There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 869 You have to pay the price for your bad intentions

"Wait for me for a while. I'll get my bicycle and ask for a leave from the leader."

Qin Liang regretted it at first, but when he saw Cui Yanhong wiping away her tears and looking at him eagerly and reliantly, he decided to go ahead.

After he left, the doorman Lao Li said to Cui Yanhong with some embarrassment:

"Girl, I didn't know such a big thing happened in your family. I'm sorry! I went too far."

"I don't blame you. Who made us poor? We all avoid our poor relatives! They are afraid that we will borrow money!"

Cui Yanhong sobbed and shook her head, and said to Lao Litou in a choked voice. When she talked about the sad part, tears fell heavily.

Old Li Tou began to complain about Gu Changfeng and Zheng Xinyue in his heart. Although it was a headache for poor relatives to borrow money, it wouldn't shut them out, right?

Human lives are at stake, and it’s not like the factory director doesn’t have money, so this is life-saving! Thinking of the factory director's ice face, his blood was indeed cold.

Under Cui Yanhong's pitiful performance, Lao Li Tou donated his cigarette money this month to him.

Cui Yanhong clutched the dollar given by Old Li Tou tightly, feeling no guilt at all. Who made the old man scold her just now? This is the money he should compensate himself for.

Zheng Xinyue didn't know that Qin Liang had been deceived by Cui Yanhong. After finishing her work in the canteen, she and Pan Dahai took leave to deliver food to her elder brother.

When I walked out of the door, I noticed that the guard Lao Li looked at me with a strange look, and his brows were so furrowed that he could kill a fly.

This is strange. In the past, when she came in and out, Lao Li would smile and say hello to her, but today he looked at her with an accusatory look.

However, she had no intention of studying him. She hurriedly delivered food to her elder brother, then went to the supply and marketing cooperative to find her uncle. She went home last night and asked her mother for cloth and cotton stamps.

She only said that she wanted to make new cotton-padded jackets, so her mother happily gave her a lot of bills. The inventory at home was almost empty. Not only did she give her bills, but she also gave her money, including more than 100 yuan that Zheng Xinyue had put in her place before I gave her all the money, and my mother was very generous to her.

"Go and buy whatever you like!"

Humming a song, I rode my bicycle to the People's Hospital, wondering if I would meet Yu Saifeng. How should I find a chance to talk to her?

Carrying the lunch box, he walked towards the second floor. As soon as he got upstairs, he heard Qin Liang's roar.

"Who are you? Taking advantage of my sympathy, you also want to take advantage of our factory director, and you don't even have to urinate to show yourself whether you are worthy or not?"

Zheng Xinyue blinked. Until now that she has known Qin Liang, this young man who loves to laugh has never lost his temper. What happened today?

Who made such a sunny young man anxious? Listening to the tone, Qin Liang was very angry. It seemed that the other party was taking advantage of him?

Zheng Xinyue was full of curiosity. She went up to the second floor and looked in the direction of the sound. She saw a group of people surrounding the door of Ward 208. Everyone was pointing and whispering.

"You're talking nonsense."

A woman cried and retorted, sounding very pitiful to Qi Qi Ai Ai, as if she had been wronged by him.

Zheng Xinyue's eyes were full of curiosity but turned cold after hearing this voice. Isn't this Cui Yanhong?

This is not surprising, she is the best at acting, and she is very good at playing the trick of being a person in front of her and a ghost behind her back!

But how did Qin Liang get involved with her? She suddenly thought of Qin Liang going to the kitchen to find trouble for her, and she didn't want to interfere. Since Qin Liang was so kind, he had to pay the price, and he would never trust others easily in the future.

Just as I was about to leave with my lunch box, there was the sound of chaotic footsteps behind me. It sounded like there were many people and they were in a hurry.

Zheng Xinyue hurriedly stepped aside to make way. The anxious people in the hospital were all the patients' family members. She took a curious look and saw that there were three people going upstairs. The old lady leading the way had a stern look on her face and was cursing.

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