There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 870 The evil mother-in-law who favors boys over girls

"Let me just say that this woman is a spoiled child! Ever since she got married, our family has not been doing well. She gave birth to four girls in a row. I am looking forward to the stars and the moon, hoping that the baby in her belly will be a good one. She is so good. I gave birth to a girl again, and sheโ€™s still in the hospital. Who has money to spend on her?โ€

The old lady looks mean, and what she said is even more unpleasant. She talks about a little girl, and she is completely an evil mother-in-law who favors boys over girls.

Zheng Xinyue didn't know her, but felt that what she said was too harsh.

Girl movie? Isn't she a woman? If she dislikes her daughter so much, should her mother strangle her to death when she gave birth to her?

"A dead woman, she doesn't live up to expectations at all."

The man next to the old lady was so angry that he clenched his fists and cursed his wife. ๐Ÿฒ๐Ÿต๐˜€๐—ต๐˜‚๐˜….๐—ฐ๐—ผ๐—บ

"Brother, if it doesn't work, just drive her away. The matchmaker was talking about her sister at the beginning. My sister-in-law is shameless and came to have a blind date with you. How can a man who robs your sister be a good thing? You were stunned by her at the beginning. Look. Things have been going from bad to worse since she married into our family. They say women are good at making a fortune, but she is here to ruin our family. I heard that her sister gave birth to three sons in a row, and the family is living a prosperous life!"

Zheng Xinyue was stunned for a moment. This conversation made her suspicious, and she couldn't help but look at the man carefully.

He looks vaguely familiar, seems to be the third uncle of the original owner?

The main reason is that his body shape is so distinctive. He is like a bean sprout with a straight waist. He is so thin that people worry that if the wind is strong, his waist will be broken.

She raised her eyebrows, how could the third aunt feel superior in finding such a man? Just because you married into the city? But itโ€™s not like being disliked?

Listening to this, the third aunt gave birth to a daughter.

Oh my goodness! Is Mom and her mouth open, saying she is a girl really is a girl?

Zheng Xinyue unfortunately took pleasure in others' misfortune, but she would not support her third aunt.

Some people don't deserve your kindness to them, because they only repay kindness with evil!

Zheng Xinyue walked in the opposite direction with her lunch box, and the old lady's scolding came from behind. The sound was no less loud than her mother's scolding, and her scolding could be heard on the entire floor.

"You are a broom star who has tricked our Lao Cui family. You have to spend money in the hospital to give birth to a girl? Have you grown up with that precious body? Get up and go home!"

"Mom, Mom, I can't leave the hospital. The doctor said that my premature birth has damaged my body and I need to stay in the hospital for observation. It will kill me to move around now!"

The third aunt didn't even dare to cry loudly in front of her mother-in-law, she only dared to pray quietly.

Zheng Xinyue raised the corner of her mouth coldly, and suddenly thought of a popular saying in modern times, she would rather cry in a BMW than laugh on the back of a bicycle.

Moving to this era, it can be adapted as:

โ€œI would rather suffer in the city than be the master of the country in the countryside.โ€

Think about the way third aunt looked with her nose and mouth turned upward last night at grandma's house, and then listen to how pitiful she is now that she doesn't even dare to cry. What a stark contrast!

Come on, she is so willing to suffer in the city, so just take it well!

Zheng Xinyue walked into ward 201 with a lunch box and saw her elder brother chatting with an elderly man. Old Yu leaned his head on the bedside and listened. He looked at his elder brother with bright eyes. Yu Saifeng was not in the ward.


Zheng Xinyue walked into the house with a smile after looking at it. Today she brought fried shredded potatoes with small peppers and four steamed buns.

She originally wanted to steam the steamed buns, but her eldest brother was so pedantic that she was afraid of being lectured again. The steamed buns were also made from sticky corn from the space, which was sweet and soft and delicious when eaten with shredded potatoes.

"Xinyue is here."

Zheng Chenglong is talking to Lao Yantou of the grain depot! Hearing his sister's voice, he stood up with a smile.

Good night~

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