There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 884 She doesn’t want to take advantage of this

Gao Guilan had just caught a fish and was about to clean it up. When she heard her son's words, she rolled her eyes at him and scolded him angrily.

In the past, the third child was so well educated by himself that even if the things at home were broken, he would not give them away.

It's good now, my wife hasn't married yet! Just thinking about sending things to my father-in-law’s house? She didn't want to end up like this.

"Then I won't give it away."

When Zheng Laosan saw that his mother was angry, he immediately waved his hand and refused to give it away, so as not to make his mother so angry.

"Mom, then I won't give it to grandpa either!"

Zheng Xinyue touched her mother with her elbow and said with a bitter smile.

"Why don't you take it? Grandpa Changfeng is so kind to you. He gives so many good things to our family, but he still can't bear to part with a little fish. Do you think your mother is stingy?"

Zheng Xinyue looked at her mother with big black eyes, blinking and not daring to answer the question, why are you still being stingy? Even if the third brother catches a few fish and gives them to his father-in-law!

Gao Guilan's attitude towards her son and her daughter are different. When her daughter said she didn't want to take it, she immediately pretended to be a fisherman:

"Third brother, pick out the fish and put them in a bag, and put more fish in it. ♧"

Zheng Xinyue thought that the third brother was unhappy! He had just promised to send fish to the Chen family, but now the Gu family has to pretend to be a big fish. The contrast is too sharp. Even if the third brother is careless, he will probably be unhappy. Who knows?


Zheng Laosan agreed happily. He took his bag and squatted on the ground to carefully pick fish in the bucket. The fish in the river were not too big, the largest was only half a foot long, so he jumped out and filled his bag.

Zheng Xinyue felt a little distressed when she saw her third brother being so heartless. She probably wanted to take this opportunity to meet Sister Sili, so she whispered in her mother's ear:

"Mom, give some to Sister Sili! She is so kind to me."

"Okay, I, Xinyue, will send it to me if I say so."

Gao Guilan smiled and rolled her eyes. She used to rape her because of her daughter's illness, but now that her daughter has recovered from her illness and it brings glory to her, it hurts her heart even more.

Can it be difficult for my daughter to speak? Gao Guilan glared at his son, and Zheng Chengbao immediately looked nervous. Did he do something wrong again?

"I'll give you Uncle Chen a few." Gao Guilan ordered with a straight face. She felt so sad!

It's also strange that she doesn't feel sorry for the Gu family no matter how much she gives, and she's still afraid of not getting enough.

But she feels bad for the Chen family, especially because she doesn't want to be in this situation. The two families live next door. This time they will give fish to them. The third child will come back from hunting in the future! Send or not?

If you don’t give it away, the Chen family will find fault. Why should you give it away? Everyone’s life is very tight, and they can’t even raise their own grandson! How can you give anything extra to others?

Will the extra money be exchanged for money at the supply and marketing cooperative? When a son gets married or a daughter gets married, which one doesn’t cost money?


Zheng Chengbao looked at his mother carefully. Although he was allowed to take it, how many did he take? Her old man didn't say anything?

Zheng Laosan took one and looked at him, then took another one and looked at him again, which made Zheng Xinyue look so anxious!

He simply helped and poured half a basin of fish from the bucket to the third brother.

"Too much."

Gao Guilan's eyebrows were twisted into knots.

"We can't just give it away, let's show Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen how generous my mother is!"

Zheng Xinyue coaxed the old lady with a smile. She could catch the old lady's weakness every time. Gao Guilan's dark face suddenly turned gloomy, and she waved her hand generously:


As if he had received an amnesty, Zheng Chengbao happily picked up the basin and left. He walked around the gate of his courtyard and turned into the gate of Chen's house. As soon as he entered the courtyard, he shouted at the top of his lungs:

"Uncle Chen, my mother asked me to bring you some fish. Sili, please bring the basin quickly."

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