There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 885: The in-laws are on the road, generous enough

Wang Jinzhi stood on the wall of his courtyard, watching Zheng Chengbao happily deliver fish to the Chen family, and the Sili call was so dear, as if he was calling his daughter-in-law. ͓̽u͓̽x͓̽.͓̽c͓̽o͓̽m͓̽

She grabbed the clothes on her chest, as if her heart had been pierced by thousands of arrows. The pain was so painful that she couldn't breathe.

Wang Laowen watched with salivation. There were so many fish, and they tasted so delicious when stewed.

"Mom, Xinyue, let me do it!"

Both her mother-in-law and Xinyue were working, and Li Xiuli was embarrassed to stay in the house. She came out to clean up the fish, but she smelled the fishy smell and retched, covering her mouth and ran towards the backyard.

“You can’t eat anything without leaving any leftovers, and you can’t do anything you want!”

Gao Guilan rolled his eyes at her and cursed angrily.

"Mom, my sister-in-law is pregnant and her reaction is normal. I'm going to knead the noodles and steam some steamed buns. ♧♚"

Seeing that Zheng Xinyue had packed up a small pot of fish, she took it into the house to marinate it first, and then her mother could do the rest. She had to cook quickly.

"You guys, don't hold back, come here."

Gao Guilan saw five children coming back from picking up beetroot and cherry blossoms in the fields, and raised her voice to give them orders.

The children in the countryside are good at working. When they put down their baskets, they all gather around to help. There are many people and they can clean up quickly, and they only need a small pot in a while.

Next door, Chen Sili came out with a red face carrying an empty basin. She looked nervously at Gao Guilan next door, fearing that Zheng Chengbao would secretly deliver it if she didn't agree.

"Cheng Bao is here. I finally caught the fish. I don't want it. Take it back. If you can't eat it, you can exchange it for money. Thank you 1 mom and dad for me.]|I{}I|["

Chen Yonggui came out of the house on crutches. He was a man of ambition and did not want to embarrass his children.

Gao Guilan felt comfortable after hearing Chen Yonggui's words. If she accepted this as a matter of course, she would not be able to kill her son if he dared to take anything from him in the future.

But now the Chen family wants to show their face and refuses to accept it, so the in-laws like this are willing to give something.

"Brother Chen, keep it! The fish your uncle caught is a tribute to you."

Gao Guilan stood up and said something in a loud voice. Her voice was a little sour. Chen Yonggui blinked and smiled awkwardly:

"I'm so sorry. Someone from your sister-in-law's family gave you some mushrooms today. I think Xinyue's partner is here, so take some to add to the dishes!"

Chen Yonggui didn't want to get the Zheng family's things in vain, so he had to give them back no matter what. Gao Guilan was happy in her heart, but she still said polite words: "Isn't this bad?"

Zheng Xinyue happened to hear the conversation when she went out. She looked at her mother while suppressing a smile. These words sounded false!

"There's nothing wrong with it. It's not expensive. People in the city can enjoy it freshly."

Chen Yonggui smiled and waved his hand, he is his biological mother! I will never change my stingy nature in this life.

Zheng Chengbao brought half a basin of fish over, and the Chen family returned with a basin full of fresh mushrooms.

Gao Guilan beamed happily, her family was on the road, they were generous enough, not bad, not bad.

"Mom, my comrade's wife is giving birth to a baby and wants some fish to make fish soup for milk!"

Zheng Chengbao took advantage of his mother's happiness and tentatively asked her.

"Does it have anything to do with our family that her daughter-in-law gave birth to a child? It's not your child, why should I give it to him?"

Gao Guilan's eyes widened, but he didn't speak loudly, but his attitude was very clear - no.

Zheng Chengbao scratched his head in embarrassment. He had already agreed to Xiao Jia. A man's spit is like a nail. It would be embarrassing if he couldn't get the fish tomorrow!

No, if I go to the river to set a net at night, I have to save my face.

When Zheng Xinyue saw her third brother in trouble, she quietly pulled her mother aside and whispered to comfort him.

"Mom, the third brother works in the workplace. When you get married and have children, you have to follow the family. We just fished this fish from the river without spending any money. It's better than paying for it as a gift, right?"

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