There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 986 Like a wounded trapped animal

The attention of the two policemen was also attracted. After being arrested, Chen Rongfa seemed to have a seal on his mouth. He refused to admit that he wanted to kill people and insisted that he dug the trap to catch wild boars.

He didn't even admit what he said at first that he was angry that Zheng Chengbao had a bad attitude towards him and wanted to deal with Zheng Chengbao.

It would be nice to have a way to get him to tell the truth, but I don't believe that the beautiful little girl in front of him can find any good way to get Chen Rongfa to tell the truth.

"Third brother, I saw Wang Caihong at the train station today!"

Zheng Xinyue was not busy answering the third brother, but said something in the direction of the ward. Her voice was not loud but not quiet, as if she was chatting with Zheng Chengbao, but she could ensure that Chen Rongfa in the room could hear it.

"That stinky bitch Wang Caihong is not a good thing. Did she hurt you again? Third brother, beat her up!"

Zheng Laosan became angry when he heard Wang Caihong's name, his eyes widened, and he yelled loudly.

Men don’t hit women, but they still have to look at who the other person is?

Chen Rongfa was lying on the hospital bed in the room, with his eyes closed tightly as if he was asleep. But when he heard the words Wang Caihong, his gloomy eyes opened instantly, and he turned his head to the door and stared at the room closely. Door.

"Third brother, Wang Caihong is getting married to Zheng Guoqiang. Zheng Guoqiang was annoying her and wanted to run away from the marriage. She chased her to the train station and hugged him without letting go. She cried and made trouble and insisted on marrying him. Zheng Guoqiang beat her without letting go."

Zheng Xinyue picked up a tea egg and stuffed it into the third brother's hand, and told the story of meeting Wang Caihong at the train station as if it were a joke.

"Who can want her? She falls in love with someone when she meets her. She is so wicked and specializes in seducing your man. Whoever marries her must have a green head!"

Zheng Laosan spat fiercely on the ground with contempt in his eyes. In his eyes, Wang Caihong was a vixen and should be beaten to death if he didn't come out to harm others.

"Fortunately, she has now shifted her target to Zheng Guoqiang, but that's right. A vain woman like her must find someone with good conditions. In her heart, ordinary men only deserve to be played by her!"

Zheng Xinyue shrugged, as if she was extremely glad that Wang Caihong had changed his target. Zheng Chengbao blinked, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. Didn't his sister say that there was a way to make Chen Rongfa speak? Why are you talking about Wang Caihong?

Just as he was about to ask, Zheng Xinyue blocked his mouth with tea eggs.

"Third brother, I suspect that Chen Rongfa likes Wang Caihong. He is targeting you to avenge Wang Caihong or to please her. I want to give it a try!"

Zheng Xinyue lowered her voice and told the third brother her suspicions. Anyway, she didn't lie a word. If Chen Rongfa was targeting the third brother for Wang Caihong, the opposite of love is hate.

If Wang Caihong was using him, he must have promised something! That's why Chen Rongfa was determined to take care of everything himself.

"Damn it, this woman is a poisonous snake, too vicious."

Zheng Chengbao scolded angrily, and felt a little sympathy for Chen Rongfa, that silly boy who was treated like a fool by Wang Caihong.

Zheng Xinyue finished what she had to say and glanced at the closed door of the ward. She didn't know if her plan would work. Anyway, she worked hard and hoped that Chen Rongfa would stop being a fool! Being used as a spare tire by Wang Caihong, he still foolishly loyal to him!

She glanced around and frowned.

There are hospital beds on both sides of the corridor. The air is not circulated and the smell is unpleasant. The patients are moaning and unable to sleep at night. It is better to go home to recuperate here! If you secretly feed Third Brother some food made from river water, your arm will heal naturally, so why suffer here.

The most fearful thing is the third brother's hot temper. Now it seems that he has been calmed down. If he leaves, he may cause trouble for Chen Rongfa again. This will bring people to the hospital. If he does it again, someone will be killed.

In the ward, Chen Rongfa clenched his fists with a gloomy face and stared outside the door like a wounded trapped animal.

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