Zheng Xinyue looked away and pulled the third brother and whispered.

When Zheng Chengbao heard Xinyue's suggestion, he frowned and glanced at Chen Rongfa's ward. He hadn't beaten this kid enough! Originally, he wanted to wait until the policeman was sleepy in the middle of the night, so he sneaked into the ward, put a quilt over Chen Rongfa's head, and beat him to death.

"Third brother, if you don't leave, I won't leave either."

Zheng Xinyue's face became angry when she saw that her third brother was still unwilling to give up.

"Okay, then go back."

Zheng Chengbao had no choice but to agree and swallowed the steamed buns in several mouthfuls. As for the chicken legs, he was reluctant to eat them and kept them for his little sister, grandma and parents.

The policeman glanced at Zheng Xinyue thoughtfully. What she just said sounded like gossip, but why did it feel like she was talking to Chen Rongfa in the room?

Suspicion was suspicion, but the little girl never asked to enter the ward, and they couldn't care about others chatting. Seeing Zheng Chengbao and Zheng Xinyue leaving obediently, both of them breathed a sigh of relief. As long as this kid was around, no one could sleep. More tiring than watching prisoners.

It was already past seven o'clock in the evening when the three siblings returned home. As soon as they entered the village, they saw their father driving a donkey and their mother sitting on a donkey cart heading out of the village.

"Dad, Mom, what are you doing?"

Zheng Laosan saw them first with his sharp eyes, and he was afraid that they would not be heard even if he raised his voice. Zheng Xinyue thought it was her grandma who had a sudden illness, so she anxiously looked at the car. She was relieved when she saw that her grandma was not there.

"Oh, Xinyue, why did you come back? Your father and I are worried that we will have to go to the city to find you!"

Seeing her daughter, Gao Guilan automatically blocked her two sons. Of course, she didn't see the bandage on the third's arm. She jumped off the donkey cart and ran over, grabbing her daughter and asking her anxiously.

"Mom, third brother was injured while catching a bad guy. My eldest brother and I went to the hospital to see him to waste some time. Come home quickly! I bought some delicious food for grandma!"

Zheng Xinyue held her mother's arm and tilted her head to lean on her shoulder. A mother's child is a treasure. It feels so warm to have someone caring about her when she comes home late.

"How is the third child? Is it serious?"

Zheng Dakui jumped out of the donkey cart and asked his son with concern, "It's glorious to catch bad guys and get injured. He is the good son he has taught by Zheng Dakui."

"It's not serious. That kid was so shameless that he hid in the dark and stabbed me secretly. Fortunately, my father taught me martial arts since I was a child, otherwise I would have left these more than 100 kilograms in the mountains!"

Zheng Chengbao smiled, downplayed the injury, and flattered his father.

"What did I tell you? Don't show off, and hide away if you encounter something like this in the future!"

Gao Guilan rolled her eyes at her son. He became a hero and his life was in danger. His son felt sorry for him.

"How do you teach your son? If you earn the salary from your employer, what are you going to do if you don't catch a bad guy?"

Zheng Dakui's eyes widened and he angrily lectured his wife. Fortunately, he didn't let her interfere too much in his son's education, otherwise he wouldn't be able to teach him anything good.

Gao Guilan did not dare to fight with her husband, and whispered in her mouth: "Idiot, how can I learn from you? The whole village steals food and you take the blame yourself? It's selfish."

"What did you say?"

When Zheng Dakui heard his wife muttering, he frowned and yelled at her.

"What are you shouting for? Show your ability."

Gao Guilan was also angry, with her hands on her hips and her voice louder than Zheng Dakui's.

"go home."

Zheng Dakui couldn't help being yelled at by his wife. He threw the whip to his eldest son with a dark face, gave a stern order, turned around and left first.

"Remember not to be stupid in the future!"

Gao Guilan glared at her husband's back, then turned around and ordered Zheng Laosan.

"I know, I'll run away when I see someone holding a knife." It was rare for Zheng Laosan to be cared about by my mother, so he agreed with a silly smile.

"Guilan, do you have time? I have something to tell you."

Zheng Maoshan's daughter-in-law appeared behind Gao Guilan at some point and timidly called Gao Guilan.

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