There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 988: Will I apologize to you?

Gao Guilan's face darkened when she heard the voice of Zheng Maoshan's wife. Although she did not betray Dakui at the critical moment last time and took her son and the villagers to rescue Dakui, her grudges were too deep and she still did not want to have more contact with her family.

"Guilan, I know what I did wrong in the past. You have a big belly and don't have the same experience as me. If you have any dissatisfaction, I will apologize to you."

Seeing that Gao Guilan was about to leave, Zheng Maoshan's wife took a hurried step to block her way, and smiled carefully.

"Auntie, what do you have to say now?"

Gao Guilan frowned and reached out to avoid hitting the smiling person, let alone an elder, so she asked impatiently.

"Cuixiang is getting married the day after tomorrow, and I want you, Da Kui, and the three brothers Long, Hu, and Bao to go along with you! You are a well-known lucky person in the village, and Da Kui is very impressive. We can't let the people in the city look down upon you.

Zheng Maoshan's wife coaxed and praised Guilan, just to get her to marry Zheng Cuixiang.

In fact, she had carefully considered the choice of Gao Guilan. Previously, Zheng Cuixiang was arrested and detained for falsely accusing Zheng Xinyue. How did Han Wenqiang's family find out? There was a fuss about calling off the engagement. If she hadn't brought the man to her house to wipe her neck, the marriage would have been called off.

Han Wenqiang's family was reluctant to marry Zheng Cuixiang, and it would definitely be more difficult on the wedding day. She thought about it, and in order not to be embarrassed on the wedding day, she thought of the aggressive Gao Guilan and the domineering Zheng Dakui. They were the two people Han Wenqiang mother and son were most afraid of.

Coupled with the majestic three brothers, Dragon, Tiger and Leopard, the Han family would not dare to embarrass her family on their wedding day.

"I'm not going! Your daughter is trying to trick my daughter into death, and she still wants me to go and see her off, dreaming! Not only am I not going, but my three sons are not going either."

Gao Guilan refused. She hated someone so much that she couldn't forgive him so easily.

"Xinyue, let's go home."

After Gao Guilan finished speaking, she did not give Zheng Maoshan's daughter-in-law a chance. She waved her hand to her daughter and left Zheng Maoshan's daughter-in-law, who looked embarrassed.

Zheng Maoshan's wife watched them leave and sighed heavily, knowing that this would happen. Gao Guilan's temper could not be calmed down by a few flattering words.

After returning home, Zheng Xinyue laid the table with the delicious food she brought back and coaxed her grandma with a smile.

"Grandma, I bought you something delicious. You can't eat this steamed bun and carry it around."

Zheng Xinyue lay down and whispered in her grandma's ear, not forgetting to wink mischievously at her.

"Yes, just do it!"

Mrs. Gao beamed with joy and gave her granddaughter a thumbs up. She smiled so hard that wrinkles appeared on her face.

"Try this chicken. The meat is rotten and fall off the bones. It's so fragrant! You can eat it even if you don't have any teeth."

Zheng Xinyue pulled a chicken leg and put it on her grandma's dry hand, and said with a showy face.

Mrs. Gao took a bite and realized that her granddaughter was not exaggerating. This chicken was full of fragrance after one bite, and the fragrance in the mouth was not dissipated after swallowing. The meat was rotten and not filling the teeth. It was most suitable for the elderly to eat.

"It smells so good! How was this made? Grandma has never eaten it in her whole life!"

"I don't know either, I paid for it!"

Zheng Xinyue spread her hands and pushed two, six, and five.

When Zheng Dakui saw that Xinyue had brought back so many delicious foods, including steamed buns, eggs, and a strange but fragrant chicken, Zheng Dakui's face immediately sank, and he started to behave like an old man again.

"Xinyue, did you steal these steamed buns from your work? I tell you, don't embarrass Changfeng!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard someone knocking on the door: "Dong dong dong."

"Open the door quickly."

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