There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 989 Come and apologize to my mother

"Is Dashan coming? Is his family finished? Don't you know that I don't want to pay attention to them?"

Gao Guilan looked at the door with an unhappy expression. The first thing she thought of was Zheng Dashan. She didn't want to open the door and didn't let anyone else go. Zheng Dashan wanted to face him, so she left him coldly for a while.

"No, this voice belongs to your second brother!"

Mrs. Gao was so familiar with her son's voice that she recognized it immediately.

"Is it my second brother? Why is your voice hoarse? Cheng Bao, go and open the door for your second uncle."

Gao Guilan hurriedly ordered Zheng Chengbao to open the door, forgetting that he was a patient. Who told Zheng Laosan to be so skinny! If this was Xinyue, Gao Guilan would have been sent to the Kang to recuperate.

Not only Gao Yongtai came, but Gao Yunshan also came. The two drove a donkey cart with quilts on it. Zheng Chengbao looked at the things on the donkey cart. Why did he feel that the two uncles were here to pick up his grandma?

"You haven't slept yet, have you?"

Gao Yunshan's voice was full of exhaustion. He and his younger sister went to the Qin family to settle accounts and planned to drag Qin Shuxia to get a divorce. However, this woman held a knife to her neck and ran away when they were not paying attention. Whenever he chased her, she would wipe her neck. It was true. The mother-in-law and father-in-law hugged his legs and refused to let go, while the two brothers-in-law and daughter-in-law hugged Guilan and begged for mercy.

When they broke free, Qin Shuxia had already disappeared, and the marriage was not divorced. Xiaojuan and her two younger brothers didn't know how they got the letter. They ran to her grandma's house and stopped him. She knelt on the ground and couldn't get up, crying. Like a human being, Xiaojuan also threatened that if her parents divorced, she would jump into the river, and she wouldn't be able to get married anyway.

I have made Gao Yunshan helpless. If I don’t get a divorce, I feel sorry for my mother. Divorce? The child really jumped into the river and died, and he will have to live with guilt for the rest of his life.

I had a few drinks with my second son at noon, and drank too much to drown my sorrows, so I slept on the kang all afternoon.

Finally, he was woken up by the sound of a fight between Qin Shuxia and Jiang Ruhua. When he and his second son went out, they saw the two sisters-in-law pulling each other's hair and beating each other on the ground. They couldn't tell who was who?

Gao Yongtai's eyes were red and he bit his lower lip hard. He came to apologize to his mother.

He never dreamed that his wife was such a person. She instigated her sister-in-law to abuse her old mother behind her back. She was so greedy for profit that she stole the ginseng that Xinyue gave to her mother and the gift that Gu Changfeng bought for her mother, regardless of whether the children at home had food or not. Eat, and use the food to support your parents' family.

He didn't say a word from the moment he walked in, striding toward the house.

"Mom, my son is here to ask for forgiveness. Come home with me!"

Gao Yongtai knelt down as soon as he entered the door, climbed to the edge of the kang with his knees as his feet, and kowtowed with his head banging on the edge of the kang.

Zheng Xinyue was confused. Why did her second uncle kowtow when he entered the door? What happened?

Gao Yunshan then entered the house. He silently followed his second brother and knelt beside the kang. Zheng Dakui and Gao Guilan hurried over to help each other.

"Brother, second brother, what are you doing?"

"Mom, I married a poisonous snake and made your old man suffer. I have already beaten her away! You come home with me and I will serve you. I will never let anyone bully you."

Gao Yongtai refused to get up because he was drunk. He didn't care that he was embarrassed in front of his nephew and niece, as long as his old mother could forgive him.

"Mom, come back with us!"

Gao Yunshan also begged his old mother along with his younger brother. Mrs. Gao looked at her two filial sons, with complex emotions flashing in her eyes, some distressed, some angry, and most of them entangled.

"Brother, second brother get up and talk first!"

Gao Guilan hated her two sisters-in-law, but she had no problem with her eldest and second brothers. After all, they worked outside and couldn't stay by my mother's side all the time.

Gao Yunshan and Gao Yongtai stood up with red eyes, raised their heads and looked at their mother on the kang in supplication.

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