There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 990 Is Zheng Chengbao at home?

Under the dim light, the two brothers of the Gao family saw the delicious food placed on the Kang table, including chicken and egg white noodles and steamed buns. The two brothers were stunned for a moment and looked at each other. They had just been looking at their mother. I apologize, I didn't smell the alluring fragrance emanating from this room.

The look in their eyes was hesitant for a moment. My mother was a popular drinker at my sister's house. Is it really good for her to take her back to eat bran-flavored vegetables with them?

"Brother, second brother, you really don't have to do this. I have said before that taking care of the elderly is the responsibility of children. You have taken care of mom for half your life, so let Guilan and I fulfill our filial piety. When mom gets better, she wants to go back. , My daughter and I will never force you to stay. The situation at your home is so messy now, and the old lady will be angry when she goes back."

Zheng Dakui patiently did ideological work for his two uncles, not only caring about their faces, but also keeping the old lady behind.

"I'll stay here in Guilan first, and then go back after the third child gets married."

Mrs. Gao sighed and finally spoke to her two sons.

After hearing that their mother was willing to go back, the two Gao brothers also felt that it was a wise choice for their mother to temporarily stay with their sister, and they were finally not so persistent.

The elder brother-in-law came to the house as an honored guest. Zheng Dakui let the two elder brothers-in-law sit on the kang and asked his wife to cook some good food and have a drink with them.

Zheng Xinyue asked her mother to accompany her two uncles, and she went to the kitchen to cook. Li Xiuli had the foresight to go over and help, making four dishes and one soup. Because it was midnight, she made four vegetarian dishes, fried peanuts, and vinegar noodles. Cabbage, stir-fried potato slices, scrambled eggs with green onions, this meal lasted until midnight. No one touched the chicken, leaving it all for the old lady. Zheng Xinyue's sleepy eyelids kept digging together, and the two Gao brothers said goodbye and left.

Mrs. Gao fell asleep before they could finish drinking. Zheng Xinyue handed the juice she brought back to her mother and yawned before going back to the house to sleep. Zheng Chengbao went to his eldest brother's house to find a place to stay.

The next morning, Zheng Xinyue got up early. Now that her grandma was here, she wanted to make something for breakfast that would suit the elderly's taste.

For breakfast, she planned to cook hot soup noodles for her grandma, add some green cabbage, add a poached egg, cook until it was soft and rotten, and then tear some shredded chicken and put it on the noodles. Not to mention eating it, it smelled like the same. Great enjoyment.

Last night, because her uncle came, she didn't bother to teach the children to study. When she got up early in the morning, she gave the questions to the children first. No special instructions were needed. The children were sure to complete their homework when they came back in the evening. This is a good habit.

Ever since her grandma came, Li Xiuli was afraid that the old lady would look down on her. She got up earlier than the rooster in the morning and rushed to clean the yard and light the fire. She just didn't dare to cook for the old lady for fear that she would dislike her craftsmanship.

"Second sister-in-law, I haven't seen you vomiting in the past two days!" Zheng Xinyue saw her second sister-in-law busy inside and outside the house, put on her apron and asked with a smile.

"Perhaps the time for minor illness has passed?"

Li Xiuli was stunned for a moment before answering. Her sister-in-law didn't even pay attention unless she asked.

"It's a good thing, it will save you the pain."

Zheng Xinyue smiled, feeling a little proud, thanks to the river water in the space. She hoped that her second sister-in-law would drink this river water and give birth to a beautiful little girl in the future.

"Yes! I vomited a few days ago and my gall almost came out. I didn't want to eat anything all day."

Li Xiuli smiled, her eyes shining with happiness. In the countryside, having more children means you are blessed. She hoped that the baby in her belly would be a son, but the girl was not bad, so it was best to follow her aunt, who was beautiful and blessed.

While the aunt and sister-in-law were talking, Zheng Xinyue did not delay her work. She likes cooking more and more now, because the people who eat her food are the relatives she cares about.

"Dong dong dong."

"Is Zheng Chengbao at home?"

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