As soon as Zheng Xinyue poured the soybean oil into the pot and stir-fried it, she heard a hurried knock on the door. The knock on the door seemed so sudden in the early morning.

"Who is it? So early??"

Zheng Xinyue frowned and looked outside the door. The voice was unfamiliar and did not sound like someone from the village. Her right eyelid twitched wildly again. She pressed it uneasily. Every time her right eyelid twitched, it was not good.

"Stop knocking, the door is broken."

Zheng Laosan came out of his eldest brother's room shirtless. He had just woken up and was angry. He yelled at the door, his voice as loud as a roar.

"Open the door, sir."

After hearing Zheng Chengbao's voice, the person outside the door confirmed that he was looking for the right place and solemnly identified himself to the door.

"Yeah, it's you two?"

Zheng Chengbao felt familiar when he heard the voice. When he opened the door and saw it was the policeman who handcuffed him to the hospital bed yesterday, he narrowed his eyes and asked in surprise.

When Zheng Xinyue heard the word "public~security", she hurriedly added water to the big pot, told her second sister-in-law, took off her apron and hurried outside the house. As soon as she walked out, she heard an explosive news.

"Did Chen Rongfa come to your house last night?"

"Who? Chen Rongfa? Isn't he in the hospital?"

Zheng Chengbao's eyes widened when he heard these three words. The police found his house and asked him if he had seen Chen Rongfa. Didn't that mean that this kid had escaped?

Zheng Chengbao slapped his thigh angrily and complained to the policeman whose eyes were red.

"Hey, no. Didn't you two big men keep an eye on him? If you had known I wouldn't go home last night!"

"Third brother."

Zheng Xinyue hurriedly walked up and gave the third brother a hand. What she said was a bit annoying. The faces of the two police comrades turned dark and they stared at the third brother as if they were very angry.

"Comrade police, please come in quickly. I'm sorry, but my third brother is also in a hurry. How did Chen Rongfa escape?"

Zheng Xinyue politely asked the policeman to go into the yard, and asked tactfully about Chen Rongfa's situation.

"This kid doesn't know how to get the handcuffs off? When the nurse came to give the injection, he broke the intravenous bottle and kidnapped the nurse and ran away. Thinking about his grudge with your third brother, we might come to retaliate against him. Chen Rongfa is A very vicious gangster, so he came here to tell you to be careful."

The expressions of the two policemen softened somewhat. They stayed up all night chasing Chen Rongfa throughout the city, and their eyes turned red.

The kidnapped nurse was stabbed with blood on her neck. The little girl was so frightened that she peed. This was even when Chen Rongfa was seriously injured! He was so ruthless, this man was so cruel.

"He'd better come. Third Grandpa is waiting for him and will remove his bones and tendons."

Zheng Laosan hit the door frame with his fist, and the wooden door flapped twice and almost fell apart, with a fierce look on his face.

He is a person who likes to avenge himself, so it would be best for Chen Rongfa to dare to come. Just then, he continued to abuse him and asked if it was Wang Caihong who instigated him?

"Comrade police, thank you for your hard work. Let's go inside and have some food."

Zheng Xinyue asked the police officers to come into the house to eat. It was too hard for them to stay up all night without eating or drinking.

"No, we still have to report back to the city, so be careful."

The two policemen refused Zheng Xinyue's invitation, but they were very grateful to this sensible little girl and reminded them that they would leave soon.

"Wait a minute, don't you want to eat and drink some water?"

Zheng Xinyue saw that the faces of the two comrades were pale, and their lips were chapped and bleeding. Thinking that the police were overworked and had some physical problems, she wanted to use the river water in the space to treat their illnesses, because they were the most vulnerable. Respectable person.

"Okay, thank you, I'm really thirsty!"

This time the two policemen did not refuse. Zheng Xinyue hurriedly ran into the house. Gao Guilan and Zheng Dakui came out together. When they saw her, they asked: "What trouble did your third brother cause outside? Did the police and security come to the house?"

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