There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 992 Third Brother Didn’t Cause Trouble

Zheng Xinyue explained hurriedly and went directly to her room without going to the kitchen. There was a large enamel jar in her room with the words "Serve the People" written on it. She thought it would be a good idea to use this jar to give the police comrades a drink. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ

He took the enamel jar into the space and scooped out the river water, and came out quickly without losing any time.

When I went out with the enamel jar, I heard my father's voice: "Comrades, don't worry, as long as this kid comes to Red Flag Team 5, he won't run away. I will hold a meeting in the village soon and mobilize the masses to arrest him. It is best to have a portrait of Chen Rongfa. Everyone can There’s an impression.”

Zheng Xinyue looked at her father with starry eyes. This is a good method. The crowd's eyes are bright. Chen Rongfa dared to come and was captured in minutes.

"Comrade, please drink some water."

Zheng Xinyue first handed the jar to the older police officer. He looked to be in his forties. His cheeks were thin, the whites of his eyes were red, and his eyes looked tired. When he spoke, he covered his stomach with his hands, fearing that he had stomach problems.


The elderly policeman took the water and thanked him. After drinking half the tank, he felt that the water was different from what he usually drank. The sweetness in his mouth made him salivate, as if all his fatigue had been taken away and his spirits were lifted. .

"Xiaolu, you should drink some, the water from the deep well is delicious."

He casually handed the jar to the young policeman, then smiled and shook hands with Zheng Dakui politely: "Thank you for your cooperation. If you catch Chen Rongfa, I will apply for merit for you."

"Comrade, you have to eat before leaving. Don't be dissatisfied with the simple food in the countryside.

Zheng Dakui held his hand and didn't intend to let go. As a captain, it was normal to entertain comrades in the city for dinner.

"No, no, you don't have enough food in the countryside. We can't eat your limited rations."

The old policeman firmly refused, but unfortunately his strength was not as strong as Zheng Dakui's, and he finally pulled him into the house.

Zheng Xinyue hurried to the kitchen to cook. There were noodles, but her mother was staring at her eagerly and did not dare to move.

I could only make some muddy porridge and cut up a large pot of shredded potatoes and fried them, which was enough to satisfy my hunger.

Zheng Chengbao began to feel prickly in his heart. He deliberately went to the river alone and used himself as bait to catch Chen Rongfa.

It's a pity that he stayed at the river all morning, and even after carrying all the fish baskets back, he didn't wait for the boy.

"Jackie Chan, Cheng Hu, you two take your sister to work and pick her up in the evening."

Gao Guilan was not worried about her third son. He was recovering at home on vacation anyway. She was worried about Xinyue and refused to let her go to work. She couldn't help but sent her eldest son and second son to pick up and drop off her daughter.

So, Comrade Zheng Xinyue went to work with two bodyguards. This felt a bit like the appearance of the God of Gamblers in the God of Gamblers TV series.

Zheng Xinyue felt that this was completely unnecessary. Chen Rongfa didn't know her at all and had never even met her. How could he come to find her?

But what she didn't expect was that some things were not as simple as she thought.

The two brothers sent Zheng Xinyue to the work unit and picked her up at night. The day passed peacefully.

On the third day, Chen Rongfa was still not caught. There were wanted notices for his arrest on the telephone poles in the city, with his photo on them.

When Zheng Xinyue was shopping, she even jumped off her bicycle to take a look. The black and white photo made this man look very sinister, especially the eyes that looked at people very fiercely, like a lonely wild wolf, full of cruelty and ruthlessness.

Zheng Xinyue looked at her intently for a while. He was an introverted man who loved a woman to death and would do anything for her.

"Is it worth it? Being treated like a monkey?"

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