There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 993 Gives her a creepy feeling

Zheng Xinyue looked at Chen Rongfa's photo and whispered. The wind blew, and the wanted poster was lifted up by the wind and made a rustling sound. Chen Rongfa's gloomy face seemed to come alive more and more. Zheng Xinyue shivered and refused. Looking further, this person gave her a creepy feeling.

After get off work, not only two brothers came to pick her up, but the third brother also came with a bandage on his arm. He was leaning against a big tree, giving the impression of being lazy, but his leopard eyes were shining brightly. He glanced around vigilantly.

People in the factory looked over curiously when they saw three tall and powerful men coming to pick up Zheng Xinyue.

The main reason is that each of the three brothers of the Zheng family is so energetic. The eldest brother is deep and steady with wise eyes, the second brother is smiling and gentle like the big brother next door, and the third brother is domineering and masculine. In this way, wherever the three men stand, they are like a flash. bright scenery.

The unmarried girls have the most eyes on them. The handsome guy like Factory Director Gu has been captured by Zheng Xinyue, and there are three such handsome men looking for her? I just don’t know what the relationship is with her?

"Eldest brother, second brother, third brother,"

Zheng Xinyue shouted one by one, smiling brightly. She was so proud to have three brothers like her.

"walk home."

When Zheng Laosan saw his sister coming out, his laziness disappeared instantly. He strode up to his sister, smiled like a little puppy, waved to her, and then went home.

Chen Shuhua walked out of the door and her eyes lit up when she saw Zheng Chengbao. A man who pulls like this is so cool! He was her type. Seeing that he was here to see Xinyue, her eyes moved and she walked over with a smile and called Zheng Xinyue.


"Sister Chen, these are my three brothers.

Zheng Xinyue saw it was Chen Shuhua and introduced her with a smile.

"Hello, my name is Chen Shuhua, and I am Zheng Xinyue's colleague."

Chen Shuhua introduced herself generously, speaking to three people, but she only extended her hand to Zheng Chengbao.

"My hand is broken."

Zheng Chengbao rolled his eyes and refused with a cold attitude.

Chen Shuhua looked a little embarrassed, and slowly took back her hand. Her face felt hot, and she felt like her hot face was touching her cold ass!

"Sister Chen, let's go first."

Zheng Xinyue felt something was wrong and raised her beautiful eyebrows. Chen Shuhua was her best friend. Her little thoughts could not be hidden from Zheng Xinyue's eyes. She walked over to say goodbye to her calmly.

"Okay, walk slowly."

Chen Shuhua recovered from the brief embarrassment, there was no unhappy reaction on her face, and she said goodbye to Zheng Xinyue with a smile.

"My third brother is getting married on November 16th. I welcome Sister Chen to my house for a wedding banquet then."

"Okay, I will definitely go."

Zheng Xinyue invited her with a smile. Chen Shuhua was stunned for a moment and said, feeling a little disappointed in her heart. How come all good men have their own names?

On the way back to the village, Zheng Laosan kept asking his sister if she had encountered any danger today.

He wasn't worried about himself, he was worried about Chen Rongfa going to find his sister.


Zheng Xinyue shook her head and said: "The arrest warrants for Chen Rongfa have been posted. I think he will be caught soon. He doesn't dare to show up now. You don't have to come to pick me up in the future."

"That won't work, unless Changfeng comes back."

Zheng Chengbao refused flatly. Before Chen Rongfa's incident, he didn't trust his sister to leave on her own, and even more so now.

Until Changfeng comes back, he will be his sister's temporary bodyguard.

"The third child is right. The weather is short now and the mountain road is remote. It is not possible for a girl to walk by herself."

Zheng Chenglong also said that Zheng Xinyue had no choice but to let them go, and began to look forward to Changfeng's return. When he was at home, his daily commuting time was his happiest time.

"Our village will be lively tomorrow."

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