Zheng Chengbao was a talkative person, and it was boring for him to keep walking like this, so he started chatting with his sister with a smile.

"What's so exciting?"

Zheng Xinyue didn't react for a while, and looked at the third brother in confusion with her big eyes.

"Have you forgotten? Tomorrow is Zheng Cuixiang's wedding day. My grandma and Uncle Dashan both pushed me here today, crying and begging my parents to go and see him off!"

Zheng Laosan curled his lips and became angry when he mentioned Zheng Cuixiang. It would be good if he didn't throw shit at her when she got married. How do you expect to go to see her off?

"Needless to say, Mom will sternly refuse."

Zheng Xinyue smiled. She was really wondering what the old lady was thinking. She knew what her mother was like and she had to force her to do it?

Isn’t this embarrassing yourself?

"Mom immediately turned against me and made it clear in front of me that she could go as long as her family was not afraid of trouble. Didn't you see my face at that time? It was as black as the bottom of a pot."

Zheng Chengbao walked backwards, smiling brightly while talking to his sister. When he mentioned his mother, he looked up to him with admiration. She has been his learning partner since childhood!

"Hey, Mom said that, Dad can't keep it off his face, so he must give me this face."

Zheng Xinyue sighed and said quietly, and Zheng Chengbao gave his sister a thumbs up: "You are so right. Dad will send the master home personally and promise to go to see him marry. Not only did he go, he also forced the eldest brother and the second brother to go!"

"Didn't you let me go?"

Zheng Xinyue looked at her third brother with a surprised look on her face. The three brothers Long, Tiger and Leopard were able to hold up the scene wherever they stood. They were more imposing than the two brothers Zheng Dashan and Zheng Dazhuang.

"No, dad knows my character!"

Zheng Chengbao chewed his teeth. He really wanted to go to Zheng Cuixiang's husband's house and flip a few tables over to make him upset, but his father wouldn't give him a chance.


Zheng Xinyue laughed when she saw the regretful look on her third brother's face. She knew her son was better than her father, and her father was very wise to nip problems in the bud.

Early the next morning, Zheng Dakui put on the new clothes Xinyue had made for him. He already looked dignified and dignified, but when he put on the good clothes, he looked like a big cadre in the city, no worse than the people in the city.

Gao Guilan glared at him angrily, muttering in her mouth: "Eating a hundred beans doesn't taste like beans? What are you going to do when Zheng Cuixiang gets married? Do you think she has done enough harm to our daughter?"

The mother-in-law lives at home. Zheng Dakui doesn't want to quarrel with Gao Guilan, and he also knows that Zheng Cuixiang is a thorn in his wife's heart. He actually doesn't want to go. Seeing Zheng Cuixiang makes him panic, but he has to go because of his uncle's face. .

"Boss, second brother, go change your clothes."

Zheng Chenglong and Zheng Chenghu came over early in the morning to wait. When Zheng Dakui saw that they were still wearing the same tattered work clothes, he ordered them to change.

"You're not allowed to change, just wear this one. How rich is Zheng Cuixiang?"

Gao Guilan was like a firecracker that exploded with a roar. She would not let her son change clothes if they dared to do so.

"Eat quickly! Go over early and help Huhuhu!"

Zheng Dakui glanced at his wife helplessly. He didn't want to cause trouble, so he had to let him go and greet his two sons for dinner.

"What to eat? Leave some food for the children at home and go to Han Wenqiang's house to eat. People in the city have a lot of money when marrying their wives. The boss and the second child have their stomachs and go there to eat to death. If you can't eat, leave it to me. return."

Gao Guilan's eyes widened. Her husband didn't give any face to them. Before leaving, he gave orders to his two sons. Not only did he give orders, he also gave each of them a lunch box. They were not allowed to go home until it was full.

Zheng Xinyue looked at her grumpy mother and laughed. She usually took advantage, and the old Han family took advantage every step of the way.

"Mom, why don't you go and give him a feast?"

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