There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 996 Are you looking forward to getting married soon?

"Mom, it's too late. I'll send my little sister to work first, and we'll talk about it when we get back."

How dare Zheng Chengbao show it to his mother? The fish basket was hidden behind him and he ran away backwards. Zheng Laosan, who was not afraid of anything, was afraid of his mother's eyes.

"Mom, let's go."

Zheng Xinyue looked at her third brother funny, and in order to save him, she used her body to block her mother's sight, and said goodbye to her with a smile.

"Auntie, goodbye!" Gu Changfeng stood next to Zheng Xinyue calmly. He blocked Gao Guilan's sight with his high posture.

"Ride slower!"

Gao Guilan blinked. She was so smart, could she not see that Gu Changfeng and Xinyue were playing tricks on Zheng Chengbao? But she had to give face to her uncle, so she had to give up!

Anyway, all the good things at home are in the warehouse, and the key is in her hand, so the third child can’t take anything away!

Zheng Xinyue and Gu Changfeng walked side by side towards the entrance of the village. Gu Changfeng's left hand was always behind his back. Zheng Xinyue began to pay attention to the third brother and did not notice that something was wrong after walking for a while. She stopped and looked at his left hand, but Gu Changfeng turned aside to block all her angles of view. ♦♧☞

People are curious. The less they can see, the more they want to see. Zheng Xinyue is no exception. She frowned and looked at Gu Changfeng and asked:

"Changfeng, what are you doing with your hands behind your back? Aren't you tired of carrying a trolley?"

"Want to know?"

Gu Changfeng's always cold eyes flashed with a hint of narrowness, and his smile was as cunning as a fox.

"Do not want to know!"

Zheng Xinyue curled her lips and raised her head proudly, not showing how much she felt in her heart.

But the corners of his mouth had quietly raised, and there was a little smile shining in his serious eyes.

Based on his past experience of reading books and watching movies, Gu Changfeng should be holding a gift for himself in his left hand. He wanted to surprise her.

I feel so sweet in my heart, my man loves you, and he only thinks about buying you a gift when he goes out!

"Really don't want to know?"

Gu Changfeng looked at the arrogant little girl amusedly. Aren't women curious? Why is she still playing hard to get?

Zheng Xinyue clasped her little hands behind her back and shook her head seriously. Gu Changfeng nodded and said with regret:

"Forget it then, I will give this gift to Meijiao."

"you dare!"

Zheng Xinyue glared at him, she was too impatient and wanted to give her gift to someone else.

"You don't want it, so I can't give it to you? Isn't it too unruly?"

Gu Changfeng smiled when he saw Xinyue. He liked to see Xinyue staring at him, with an indescribable aura in the corners of her eyes and eyebrows. She was full of emotions. A coquettish woman was so lovable that he felt itchy in his heart and wanted to take her into his arms. in order to relieve the pain of lovesickness.

"Being unruly is a woman's right!"

Zheng Xinyue said domineeringly, her watery eyes shining like gems in the morning sun, her arrogant little face as beautiful as a peach blossom, and her fragrant fruity fragrance making people feel relaxed and happy.

Gu Changfeng looked at her with deep eyes, her pretty face was reflected in his eyes, and he felt love in his heart.

He took out the paper bag hidden behind him and handed it to Xinyue. He looked at her intently with eagle eyes, expecting her to wear the red wool scarf that he personally selected for her.

"Here you go, put it on and let me see."

Zheng Xinyue held a soft and warm red scarf. The color was so gorgeous, as red as the morning glow on the horizon.

In the past, she didn't like fresh colors and thought they were gaudy, but the ones Changfeng gave her looked good. She couldn't wait to wrap them around her neck, looked at Gu Changfeng with her hands behind her back and smiled sweetly, and asked.

"is it nice?"


Gu Changfeng looked at Xinyue in front of him intently, and the smile on his lips spread little by little.

The red color matched with her Sai Xue's skin was indescribably delicate, and any flowers would be eclipsed in front of her.

"Hey, Xinyue, Cuixiang is getting married today. Why are you dressing up so freshly? Are you looking forward to getting married soon?"

End of update, good night. It’s not that Fei’er doesn’t want to write more but is really unable to do what she wants. My arms are swollen after the surgery and it’s difficult to code. I hope everyone can understand!

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