There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 997: Tell me one more thing

An inappropriate voice disturbed the two sweet lovers. Zheng Xinyue frowned and looked at Chen Shuli, who looked enviously at the red scarf around her neck. The greed and flattery in her eyes were really disgusting.

"Director Gu, when will you marry our Xinyue!"

As if Chen Shuli didn't see the disgust in Zheng Xinyue's eyes, she looked at Gu Changfeng flatteringly, as if she were looking at a fat sheep, and her mouth was almost drooling. She deliberately made what she said similar to Zheng Xinyue's kiss. In order to make a good impression on Gu Changfeng, when he had the opportunity to go to her alone, he had to look down on her as mother-in-law and aunt?

Chen Shuli has different ideas now than before. In the past, she just wanted to eat and drink. Now she has higher ideas.

Gu Changfeng is the director of a large factory. If nothing else, just look at how much he has helped Zheng Xinyue's family since she started dating him.

The three brothers have all been given jobs and will all become city dwellers in the future.

When the third child built a house, his grandfather personally came to help with the removal of the bricks, and also provided wood, red bricks, and doors and windows.

What made her envious the most were the betrothal gifts. Girls from far and wide didn't get that kind of treatment. They included cloth, fine grain, and a box that could talk. The brocade red quilt was embroidered with dragons, phoenixes, and peonies! Many of them are good things that I have never seen in my life.

"Changfeng, let's go!"

Zheng Xinyue was so disgusted by the greed in her eyes that she took Gu Changfeng's arm and left without even introducing her.

Gu Changfeng was the director of the factory. No one had ever seen him before. The greed in Chen Shuli's eyes and the excessive enthusiasm when she looked at her were very similar to the faces of those who wanted to do things for her.

Moreover, despite the smile on her face, she is really a person who cannot speak.

She wears a scarf and says that Xinyue hates getting married, but she also means that Xinyue wants to steal Zheng Cuixiang's limelight, which is very jarring.

With a sullen face and cold eyes, he ignored Chen Shuli and left with Zheng Xinyue without saying a word from beginning to end.

Chen Shuli was stuck there, with the fake smile on her face frozen. Seeing the two of them leaving without looking back, she angrily spat on the ground and cursed in a low voice:

"What are you so pretentious about? Maybe one day Director Gu will return your second-hand goods."

"Chen Shuli, please tell me one more thing."

As soon as she finished speaking, Gao Guilan's high-pitched voice boomed behind her, scaring her so much that she ran away without looking back.

After suffering losses a hundred times, she had a long memory, so Gao Guilan caught her.

How could Gao Guilan let her go so easily? He kicked Chen Shuli over with a flying kick, knocking Chen Shuli to the ground, causing her to choke. The palms of her hands were dented by the gravel on the ground, and blood oozed out. .

She groaned in pain, but she didn't even get up yet! Gao Guilan grabbed her hair again, and she was so frightened that she ignored the pain in her palms and hurriedly covered her face, pleading for mercy like jumping beans in her mouth.

"Sister-in-law, don't scratch me. I have to go to see you off! Can you wait until I come back and scratch you again?"

"Sending a bride, eating meat and drinking wine?"

Gao Guilan asked her with a sneer, and Chen Shuli nodded fiercely: "Sister-in-law, I didn't say Xinyue, I said Cuixiang! Stop hitting me, I'll go to the banquet and bring some back for you."

Chen Shuli turned around and said to Gao Guilan to please her, instead of scolding Zheng Xinyue, she said she was scolding Zheng Cuixiang.

I thought I could get through troubled waters in this way, and I was secretly grateful for my cleverness! I heard Gao Guilan's voice gloating about his misfortune.

"Ha, old aunt, did you hear it? What did the cousin say on the day of my sister's wedding?"

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