There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 1006, white worry

After introducing himself, Daozi glanced around the classroom, chose an empty seat at the front and sat down, then put down his schoolbag, and slowly took the storybook, watercolor paintbrush, blank picture album, wooden stationery box, and arithmetic that Daohua prepared for him. The sticks are neatly placed on the table.

Daozi protects things. He knew how to clean up his things when he was very young. After seeing Daohua, he cultivated his ability to organize and organize consciously or unintentionally.

He is not big now, but he has been able to organize his belongings very well. He has always been cleaning up his toy room, and the maids will not let them in.

Daozi's self-introduction just now, everyone was still a little stunned. When they saw the 'unusual' things he brought out, everyone in the classroom, including the master, paid attention to him and silently watched his every move. .

When the rice was ready, when he looked up, he saw that everyone was looking at him, and he grinned.

Mother said, children who love to laugh are the most liked, he should laugh more!

Madam and other students: Does this person seem a little silly?

Xiao Moren and the others were also at a loss for words. Of course, it was not because of Daozi's smirk, but because of Daozi's self-introduction, could they not?

Looking at the thirty or forty students in the classroom, Xiao Moren took a deep breath, stepped to the center, and introduced himself like Daozi.

"Hello everyone, my name is Xiao Moren. On the 11th of this year, I will go to school with you in the future. Please take care of me."

After speaking, he went to the back of the rice and sat down.

Next is Xiao Mokuan.

The Master listened to the introduction of several people, and his heart was a little nervous. These little guys are all surnamed Xiao, shouldn't they be the ones he thought?

At this time, the Master's eyes changed when he looked at Daozi. He didn't want to flatter him, but felt troublesome.

Xungui's children cannot be beaten or scolded, and they are the most difficult students to teach.

Hey, what is the dean doing? Why did he send him so many students who couldn't be offended?

Do you still want him to teach well?

Compared with the reluctance in the Master's heart, Daozi was quite happy. The Master didn't say anything, he just looked left and right, and when he saw someone looking at him, he grinned.

The little guy was very excited about his first class.

The master sighed, the person had already been sent, he couldn't ignore it, and he didn't dare to ignore it, so he asked Xiao Moren's academic situation.

After the question was over, Xiao Moren and Xiao Mokuan were led directly to the big class.

Xiao Moren received an elite education at the Fourth Prince's Mansion, and he had learned the Four Books and Five Classics long ago.

In order to get ahead, Xiao Mokuan also studied hard. Although his learning progress was not as fast as Xiao Moren's, he was definitely able to compare with most people in the academy.

Xiao Moqing and Xiao Mobao, one is favored and the other enjoys it, neither of them likes to read, so they know a few words more than others, and there is no such thing as knowledge, and they are all kept in small classes.

As for Xiao Moxu, the situation is similar to that of rice.

Daozi watched Xiao Moren and Xiao Mokuan leave, and felt a little reluctant. He lost two older brothers. If someone bullied him, he would have two less helpers.

But fortunately, the seventh brother, the starling, and the tenth brother are all there, so he is not alone.

Xiao Moqing was a little bored. Seeing that the master had left, he immediately walked to the rice table: "Rice."

Daozi interrupted Xiao Moqing: "Seventh brother, this is a school, you can't call me by my nickname, you should teach me Moxi."

Xiao Moqing was speechless, but he didn't bother about it. He pointed to the things on the table and asked, "What are you doing? It's so beautiful."

Hearing Xiao Moqing's question, everyone around him pricked up their ears.

Although there are many people here who are descendants of generals on the frontier, the generals of Xiliang are poor, and they have seen very few things.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Daozi straightened up, picked up the stationery box with a smile, opened the stationery box, and then introduced the rulers, numbers of various colors and pinyin letters in it one by one.

When the master came back, he saw the people in the classroom crowded together, everyone was quiet, only the voice of Daozi echoed in the classroom.

I wanted to reprimand, but when I heard what Rice introduced, I couldn't help swallowing the words in my mouth.

"This is a ruler. With this, you can measure the length and thickness of an object."

"This is my arithmetic stick. I only learned to count fifty, and the arithmetic stick can help me count."

"This is the pinyin alphabet. My father said that after learning it, you can learn to read by yourself."

"This is a number and letter, for arithmetic."

"This is a story book my mother painted. There are many stories in it. You see, the gourd doll on my schoolbag is the person in the story. When I have time, I will tell you stories, make sure you don't have any. heard."

"And this is"

Every time Daozi said the same thing, the eyes of the surrounding children lit up a little. When Daozi finished introducing her, Xiao Moqing immediately shouted, "I'll ask my aunt to ask for it after school."

Xiao Mobao and Xiao Moxu followed quickly: "We want too."

Daozi shook his head and spread his hands: "You can't get it, my mother is pregnant with a younger brother and sister now, my father won't let her worry, my storybooks haven't been new for a long time, and now I can only reluctantly look at the previous ones. ."

Xiao Moqing's face suddenly collapsed.

"Cough cough~"

At this time, the master, who had been eavesdropping for a while, coughed lightly.

When everyone saw that the Master was coming, they immediately returned to their positions.

The master looked at the things on the rice table, and when he saw the pinyin letters and numbers placed on the top, his eyes lit up, and he walked to the rice with a smile:

"Xiao Moxi, can you lend the Master these things?"

Daozi looked at the master, thinking that before going out, his mother told him to listen to the master, so he nodded obediently: "Yes master, but you can't break it for me, and you have to pay me back."

The corner of the master's mouth twitched: "Of course, this master can still ask for things from the students?" After speaking, he quickly took away all the things on the table, and also took rice's schoolbag to pack it.


After getting the things, the master directly ordered the children in the classroom to take a break, and then took the things out of the classroom.

Daozi looked at each other and looked at Xiao Moqing: "Master, shouldn't you take my things and run away?"

Xiao Moqing curled his lips: "He doesn't dare, he really wants to run away, let your father catch him."

Daozi disagreed: "I couldn't protect my things on the first day of school. Tell Dad, is it too shameless?"

"Besides, when I went out, my mother said that what happened in the school should be solved by myself."

Xiao Mobao: "But we are still children, and if we encounter problems, of course we have to ask adults to solve them."

Daozi thought about it and said, "Yes!"

Xiao Moqing put his arms around Daozi's shoulder: "Okay, forget about this for now, tell us the story of the gourd baby just now, it sounds good."

Daozi saw that everyone didn't go out to play, and looked at them from far or near, thinking of what his father said last night, so that he could not lose the face of the palace in the school, he puffed up his chest, and imitated Xiao Yeyang. He put his hands on his back and began to tell the story of the gourd baby with a stern face.

"A long time ago, there was a Hulu Mountain in the mountain."

When Xiao Yeyang sneaked over to see his son's habit in class, Daozi was already standing on the table, and he was talking about the plot of the big baby vs. the snake spirit in a cadence, voice and dance.

The children in the classroom were surrounded by three floors and three floors, either surprised or sighed, excited or angry, all listening intently.

Xiao Yeyang looked at the selfless rice: "."

Fortunately, everyone in the family was worried that Daozi would not adapt to the academy, and it was a waste of worry.

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