On the first day of Daozi going to class, Daohua specially instructed the kitchen to cook a few dishes that he likes to eat, and personally went to Chuihuamen to welcome him back from school.

"Do you like going to the academy to study?" Daohua held Daozi's hand and asked him about the academy with a smile.

Daozi nodded: "I like it, mother, everyone in the academy likes me."

Xiao Yeyang, who was walking behind, laughed a little when he thought of his son standing on the table and waving his arms high.

The son is lively and does not recognize birth, and his ability to quickly integrate into wherever he goes makes him feel a lot at ease.

"By the way, mother, the master took my schoolbag and asked me to come back and ask you and my father, saying that he wanted to make a copy of my study utensils for other people in the class, and asked if you would like it?"

Daohua couldn't help but look at Xiao Yeyang.

Xiao Yeyang said briefly: "I just went to the academy. After the dean told me, I agreed."

These are small things, and Daohua doesn't mind. Seeing that his son is adapting well in the academy, he encourages him: "Since the class starts, then study hard."

"My mother will write you a story book when she is free, but if you don't know how to read, you won't be able to read the stories in it."

When Daozi heard this, he was immediately happy, and assuredly said, "Mother, don't worry, I will study hard in class."

After Daozi started to attend the academy, the palace became much quieter, which made Daohua, Gu Jian, Guo Ruomei and others not used to it.

With nothing to do, after Gu Jian took care of himself, he started to sit in the pharmacy again.

However, in order to prevent him from getting tired, Daohua strictly limited the time. Every time Gu Jian forgets the time to see a doctor, Daohua will send someone to remind him.

As for Guo Ruomei, she was obsessed with knitting sweaters, and knitted several sets of sweaters and pants for the child in Daohua's belly. Every time she came to chat with Daohua, she could always see the sweater in her hand.

In a blink of an eye, more than a month has passed, and the Daozi and the people in the academy have already been fighting hotly.

On November 11, when school was over in the afternoon, Daozi and Xiao Moren were about to take the carriage back to the palace, but they were stopped by Xiao Moqing.

"Fourth brother, Mo Xi, my third uncle gave me a colt, do you want to go take a look?"

Xiao Moren has no interest in the colt, but Daozi wants to see it. He has wanted a colt for a long time, but his mother and father disagreed, saying that he would have to wait until he was a little older before raising it for him.

"Fourth brother, let's go have a look."

Xiao Moren hesitated: "If we don't go back to the house on time, my aunt will be worried."

Daozi thought for a while, and said to Xiao Moqing: "Seventh brother, we won't go to see the colt today. When I go back and tell my mother, I will go with fourth brother tomorrow."

Xiao Moqing nodded: "Okay."

Back at the palace, Daozi was about to go to Anjia to see the colt and told Daohua about it.

Daohua was silent for a while. She didn't like to settle down, but she didn't want to restrict her son's interaction with other friends, so she nodded in agreement.

With Daohua's permission, after school the next day, Daozi took Xiao Moren happily to settle down.

When Xiao Yeyang went to the office, Master An was waiting at the door, deliberately revealing the news that Daozi went to An's house to see the colt.

Xiao Yeyang looked at the sky, worried that Daozi and Xiao Moren had played too late, and encountered an accident in the snow when they came back, so he decided to go to Anjia with Master An.

Ang's heart suddenly burst into joy.

Finally let Xiao Yeyang come to the door!

Because of Xiao Yeyang's identity, he usually has little chance to invite him to the door of An's house, but his mother's plan must be carried out in the An's house.

He thought about breaking his head before he came up with the idea of ​​asking Mo Qing to come forward and invite Xiao Moxi to An's house.

He finally caught Xiao Yeyang, and it was not in vain that he spent a lot of money to buy a horse that was sweaty and bloody and returned home.

An's backyard.

After Mrs. An received the news that Mr. An sent someone to send it back, she looked at her beautiful granddaughter in front of her, and lovingly trimmed her hair into a bun.

"King Weiyuan has a high position at a young age. What is even more rare is that there is only one woman from the Yan family in the backyard. Even if you are a concubine, in his identity, it is not a humiliation for you."

An Xin was worried: "Grandmother, King Weiyuan and Princess Xiao have a very good relationship, and the granddaughter is worried that King Weiyuan will not look down on her granddaughter at all."

Mrs. An sneered: "The color of the Yan family's girl is good, but no matter how good it is, there are times when she gets tired of it. Come again, she is not as young and delicate as you, man, that's how it is, there is nothing that doesn't love young and fresh. "

Saying that, he took An Xin's hand and patted it.

"Good boy, you have so many sisters. I chose you to come to Xiliang because of your good looks. Even the imperial concubine is full of praise. You have to be more confident."

"Some time ago, your father sent a letter again, and the situation in the capital has become more and more tense. Although the imperial concubine and the eldest prince are more valued by the emperor, the second princes have been restraining them, resulting in the delay of the eldest prince's crown prince position."

"Child, you have to know that only when the eldest prince becomes the crown prince can we settle down and keep our wealth forever."

"Yan's daughter is pregnant now. It's your chance. In order to lead Xiao Yeyang to our house, your third uncle has lost a lot of thought. You must seize this opportunity."

"As long as you successfully marry into the Weiyuan Palace, even if you have helped the concubine and the eldest prince win over the forces of Prince Ping's palace, then the eldest prince will have even more leverage to be elected as the prince."

"And you have become the nobleman of the eldest prince. When the eldest prince ascends the throne, do you still need to be afraid of the Yan family daughter who was born in a poor family?"

An Xin listened obediently: "Grandmother, granddaughter will do her best."

Mrs. An nodded with satisfaction: "Go, go down and prepare."

An Xin blessed her body, then turned around and stepped back.

After leaving Mrs. An's yard, the cuteness on An Xin's face disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by a look of desperation.

She knew that she was just a pawn for Anjia to win over King Weiyuan, but so what?

She is a concubine, and because of her outstanding appearance, she has been suppressed by her mother and sister. If she hadn't lost her mind and came to Xiliang with her grandmother, her mother would definitely find someone to send her away.

An Xin couldn't help shivering when she thought of the lives of the concubine sisters on her head.

King Weiyuan is her best choice, this time, she must succeed.

Thinking of King Weiyuan's stalwart appearance, An Xin's cheeks were a little red, and she was willing to marry such a person, even if it was a small one.

It's just Princess Xiao's place.

Thinking of the fact that Princess Xiao didn't show respect to her grandmother last time, An Xin felt a little uneasy, but soon, she calmed down again.

Grandmother is right, as long as King Weiyuan likes her, even if Princess Xiao is dissatisfied, so what?

On the other side, Lord An smiled and led Xiao Yeyang into the gate of the An Mansion: "Your Highness should be watching the horses in the stable, the Lord will come with me to the living room to have a cup of tea, I will now invite Your Highness and them. "

Xiao Yeyang shook his head: "You don't need to drink tea, let's go directly to the stable." The son was very bold, and he was very worried that he would climb onto the horse and ride.

Lord An smiled and nodded: "Then I'll be with the lord."

The two walked halfway, and suddenly a maid hurried over: "Master, the old lady heard that the prince is coming, and wanted to come out to greet him, but who knew that she was in a hurry and accidentally slapped her foot, the lady asked me to call you. ."

Mr. An was startled, and quickly looked at Xiao Yeyang and said, "My lord, I'll go see my mother first, and let the servants lead you to the stable."

Xiao Yeyang said with an "um": "Go and see the old lady." After saying that, he paused, "I will take Mo Ren and Mo Xi to visit the old lady later."

Mrs. An's foot was swollen because she came out to greet him. It would be unreasonable for him not to take a look.

Master An thanked him and hurried to the backyard.

Xiao Yeyang watched him leave, and said to the servants of the An residence, "Let's go, take this king to the stable."

Under the leadership of his servants, Xiao Yeyang quickly passed a garden. There was no one in the garden, but there was a drawing board standing there.

Looking at the painting on the drawing board, Xiao Yeyang couldn't help but slow down.

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